Chapter 5

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"Y/n!" With a chuckle, I turn around to find Izuku sprinting towards me with tears streaming down his face. I give him a worried look What happened when I was gone? I only left to take Bakugou home after being violated by the villain.

When Izuku reaches me he leaps forward and glomps me. I pet his head and ask him softly "Hey, what happened? Do I need to teach someone a lesson?" Izuku smiles against my chest as he hugs me tighter and starts explaining "No, I am not hurt. After you left I started walking home and ran into All might and HE SAID HE WILL GIVE ME HIS QUIRK!"

I wrap my arms around his back and grumble jokingly "You wouldn't let me give you a quirk" Izuku pushes away from me and starts talking too fast "Butit'snotthesamesinceyouareoverpoweredandheonlyhasonequirksoitismorepersonal." I chuckle and pull him back into a hug "I was just joking Izuku, so you are going to train with him?"
"Hai! He told me to meet him at the trashed beach on Sunday. Wait, if you already knew, why did you ask." I lightly push Izuku back and look him in the eyes with a smirk "Why? Because I love hearing you talk about what you love." Izuku turns bright red and starts stuttering before bolting away towards his home, about a half a block away "Bye Izu-kun! See you at the beach on Sunday!"


"Izuku! Your gonna hurt your back like that!" I yell as Izuku and All might come into my view from inside a circle of trash. At the moment Izuku is attached to a fridge that All Might is sitting on. Just as I reach them Izuku starts to fall forward and right before he does I snatch him up in my arms. All Might looks at me surprised before motioning for me to put down Izuku. "Young L/n! What are you doing here?" I set Izuku down with his butt on the ground and give All Might a small smirk "Well you did say you need to keep watch of me and how else than me helping train Izu-kun?" All Might shrugged and turns back to Izuku "Young Midoriya, you are not a proper vessel." All Might takes a few pictures on his phone and Izuku starts crying while he looks back at All Might "What you are saying now is the opposite of what you were saying before." All Might continues to take pictures of the poor Izuku while I sit to the side and eat some popcorn I made appear. "I'm talking about your body." Izuku takes notice of my crunching and gives me a small glare as I continue to eat popcorn 

" I mean, he is not wrong Izu-kun, your weak body right now would be the death of you if you tried to inherit One For All. Your body would explode and that would be unfortunate, even if I were to bring you back, you would still remember the pain and would likely go insane." Izuku starts to rub his arms while sitting on his knees and it takes me all of my strength to not jump up and tackle him, All Might continues to talk but I don't hear as fabric-like straps shoot out of the ground and hold me down. All Might stops talking and stares at me as I lay motionless in the sand with a look of agony in my eyes "Don't worry, the fabric is mine, I'm just not emotionally strong enough to not tackle Izu-kun." All Might brushes me off and continues talking while Izuku turns beet red. I wiggle a bit and get comfortable in the sand, eventually falling asleep and dreaming of a bunny Izuku.

Izuku has been training for 10 months, all the while I have just been tagging along and getting my beauty sleep. Today is exam day and when I went to the beach Izuku was standing on top of a pile of garbage. He yelled out as All Might and I appeared on the beach. It was entirely clean except for the trash he was standing on. When he stopped yelling he started swaying back and forth before falling, I jumped forward and caught him mid-fall. "Good job Izu-kun, though you shouldn't have wasted so much energy before the exam." All Might jogs up to me and congratulates Izuku while I set him down and summon my book, with a few strokes of my pen Izuku is no longer sweating and now wearing his school uniform. "I would love to keep staring at your muscles but you look absolutely exhausted." Izuku turns bright red and turns away towards All Might who is now holding out his phone. "It's you ten months ago, you did well. You really did. The mirage of it is finally just barely visible, but you have certainly become a suitable vessel." Izuku strains to pull his hand up and he looks at it 

"I feel like I'm cheating, you did this all for me, I'm too blessed." Izuku starts crying and in a moment of weakness I bolt forward and pull him into my chest. All Might puts his hand on Izuku's shoulder and laughs lightly "we will have to fix those leaky eyes of yours. Now it's time for the award ceremony Izuku Midoriya!" Izuku perks up and lightly pushes away from my chest and turned fully to All Might "Yes sir!" All Might looks Izuku in the eyes and pulls a single strand of hair off his head "This is something I was once told: Something that you receive because you are lucky and something you are given because you are recognized is different in essence. Take that to heart. This is the power that you earned because of your own effort." Izuku clenches his fist and looks at All Might in determination. All Might puts his hand holding the hair out and says 

"Eat this." I gag as Izuku looks at the hair in confusion, Izuku looks back at me and I give him a grimace look. "It doesn't really matter what it is as long as you take in my DNA." All Might tries to explain but I start laughing so loudly that it covers anything that All Might tries to say after. "Just- snort- eat the hair Izu-snort-" Izuku looks back at me for a second before grabbing the hair. After the fiasco with the hair, I go to follow Izuku but find myself a foot off the ground. "You will be coming with me young L/n. We can't have you following young Midoriya through the exam, he would get disqualified. Also, the other teachers want to meet you!" I sigh and teleport out of his grip "Lead the way, old man."

"I'm bored, you must really suck if you make a god bored Shota." Aizawa glared at me while a floated around the observation room "You will refer to me as Aizawa-sensei. The only reason we are in here is because you tried to follow Present Mic onto the stage." I float closer to Aizawa and take his scarf "But you do know I could still go on stage if I wanted to?" Aizawa glares at me while trying to erase my quirk but nothing happens, he doesn't look very surprised "Yes, I know that but if I take watch of you I can take notes of your behavior before school starts." I mess around with the scarf a bit before throwing it out and restaining Aizawa and hanging him from the ceiling. "Au revoir~" Aizawa glares at me as I walk out of the room and teleport to Izuku.

When I get there Izuku is surprised as he floats for a second before being plopped down on my lap. "Hey, Izuku! How have you been without me so far?" Izuku turns red before mumbling about a girl or something. Present Mic continues talking about villains or something while I cuddle Izuku in my lap. A loud growl attracts my attention and I turn to find Bakuhoe sitting next to Izuku and glaring at us. I smirk and look him in the eyes "What? Jealous?" Bakuhoe growls at me and flips me off before looking back to Present Mic. Yeah, he is definitely jealous. "There are three types of villains, each is worth a different amount of point." Before present Mic could continue I hand shot up near the front 

"On the paper it says that there are four villains, if this is a mistake from the most prestigious school you should be ashamed," The guy, who was now standing, turned and pointed and Izuku and me "And you two, this is an exam, if you are not going to take it seriously then leave!" Present Mic looks towards us and sighs when I give the guy the bird. "L/n, why are you here? You are supposed to be with Aizawa." I waved back as everyone's eyes were on me and Izuku, who was shaking out of embarrassment. 

"Shota was boring. He just kept trying to erase my quirk and just sat there doing nothing." Present Mic sighs again and motions for me to leave, I pick up Izuku by his waist and set him in the chair before leaving towards the exit. Right before I exit I turn around and salute the examinees. I walk back through the door and see a few people blush and few others glaring at Izuku in jealousy. This is going to be a good year.

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