Chapter 9

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As Izuku and M/n got to the bus stop, M/n noticed that the next bus wasn't for another 20 minutes which would make them late. With a sigh he summoned his book and scribbled a few words, once shut it dissipated into smoke.

Izuku had seen this time and time again but it always astonished him how beautiful such a small action could be. His face turned a tomato red as his crush then grabbed his hand and hid his face in his chest. The hardness on his cheeks completely distracted him from the nausea that teleporting caused.

M/n was unaware of the way his actions affected Izuku, having done it only to prevent Izuku from seeing the eldritch being that appear when teleporting, starting towards the gate of their school. He was suddenly aware of the state of his hand when he felt a pulling force on his arm, looking back at the greenette to find a red faced boy.

He quietly begged "please let go of my hand," M/n chuckled but complied as they reached the door.

Izuku didn't notice the map stand and started to walk in a random direction. M/n Grabbed one and kicked his heelys and rolled up to the shorter male, handing him the map and grabbing two pieces of gum out of his pocket, putting one in his mouth and handing the other over.

In the 1-A classroom, the students murmured to themselves, confused on why they were told to get to class half an hour early. Thier teacher called for their attention. 

"It took you 10 seconds, those ten seconds could be the life or death of you," the class looked around at each other uncomfortably. "You may notice that two seats are empty yet I have started talking. This is the reason you were asked to come here early." The Teacher let out a tired sigh. 

"One of these students is a danger to society if he were to be provoked and gone rouge. The reason you are being briefed about this is for your own safety and the safety of the world."

Aizawa Lifted a picture of a (h/c) haired, (e/c) student. "Do not anger this student, do not provoke this student, do not provoke the other student missing from his desk right now. The only thing keeping (M/n) on the heroic path right now is Midoriya Izuku,"

Bakugo scoffed and murmured to himself while mocking the teacher's words with a hand puppet motion. More than one of his peers have terrified faces, the blonde rolls his eyes.

The teacher's words sunk in as he continued "With his abilities, he could enslave humanity, and yet he doesn't solely because he wants The other student to be happy, so, do not put a target on your back by getting on either of their bad sides, okay?"

The students jumped as the door opened, A green haired peer met their gaze and waved shyly. Folling him was the threat they were just warned of, he sighs when he sees the faces of his classmates.

"Oh c'mon teach? You already gave them the talk? Dammit, how am I supposed to make friends if everyone is terrified of me?" M/n plopped down in his chair and pulled out his phone, trying to ignore the panicked stares. He calms his nerves by playing with the soft curls in front of him. 

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