Chapter 2

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M/n pov

I groan as Izuku runs ahead of me towards a villain attacking buildings near the train track. "Slow down Izu-kun! He isn't going anywhere soon." A light blush covers his face before he slows down a little, still slightly hopping in excitement "I know but I want to see the heroes that take him down, what if All Might is there?" I chuckle and ruffle his hair once we had come to a stop before the villain. But before I can stop him he slides through the crowd. With a sigh, I jump over the majority of the crowd next to Izuku.

The man next to Izuku pointed out the obvious "One look at that dopey grin and I know what you are, A FANBOY" I chuckle and hug Izuku from behind "You don't know the half of it". I float up into the sky taking Izuku with me to get the perfect angle of the fight. Izuku fanboy's in my arms more when the wood hero starts his special move.

"There, his special move. The preemptive lacquer chain prison" just as the hero is about to capture the villain, a lady comes out of nowhere growing and kicks the villain unconscious. She says her catchphrase as Izuku looks dejected in my arms. I chuckle and slowly float down as Izuku writes in his journal. Izuku forces me to stay with him as everyone settles down. He drags me over to a crater in the ground as he mumbles and continues to write in his journal

"Gigantification huh? Well, she's definitely got the looks and attitude to be a crowd favorite and her quirk is really showy. But I know it will be kind of hard for her to get around much in the city without damaging lots of things. So that means she must not be very good" The guy from earlier cuts off his rambling as he questions izuku's mumbling.

"What's that fanboy? are you taking notes over there, wanna be a hero too, huh?" I turn to him while ruffling Izuku's hair again "Oh, don't mind him, he just takes it a little far when fanboying over heroes." Izuku slaps my hand off his head as he gives me an embarrassed glare. I chuckle at Izuku's adorableness as he grabs my hand and starts to drag me to school.

I ignore the teacher as he talks about our futures. When I take a quick glance at Izuku he is writing his notebook. The teacher throws papers behind him as the class starts showing off their quirks. I don't bother, as there would be too much to show off in the first place, but I instead summon my book and silence them by summoning earplugs. They were getting too loud for my liking. Everyone stops and stares at me as I fall asleep on my desk. The teacher snaps to get my attention. He is clearly mad at me, so I take out my earplugs with a grumble.

"No quirk use allowed in school, get a hold of yourselves," the teacher says while glaring at me. Bakuhoe yells over the teacher "Hey teach, don't lump me in with this bunch of losers, I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted d-lister." Everyone looks at me as I glare holes into Bakuhoe's head "More like a villain," silence rings in the classroom as Bakuhoe tries to hold back his anger, failing miserably "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO M-" Bakuhoe stops and his face falls neutral as he sits back down without another word. "Stop talking," He glares at me as I drop my control over him.

"Everyone calm down! Again, no quirks allowed on school grounds, anyway, it seems Bakugou, Midoriya, and L/n want to get into UA" The class silences before breaking into laughter, overhearing Izuku being mentioned, "There's no way you're gonna get into the hero course without a quirk," someone exclaims while laughing. "Actually they got rid of that rule, I could be the first one," Izuku says before Bakuhoe rushes towards Izuku with his hand ready to attack. I yawn and raise my hand and chains explode from my hand, attaching to Bakuhoe and dragging him with his face on the ground, he squirms and thrashes in my chains but I pull up on his arms. The teacher rushes towards me but the chains disappear.

"No fighting in class, get back to your seat" Bakuhoe grumbles and walks over to his seat while I fall asleep on my desk. The bells ring to end class but I do not hear it since I am asleep. Bakuhoe walks over to Izuku in my absence. Izuku starts mumbling about the villain fight as he checks his phone and goes to open his notebook, but before he can Bakuhoe snatches it. I wake up to erase Bakuhoes quirk, so he doesn't harm Izuku or his notebook. "I don't know what you think you're doing Deku, but we're not done," Bakuhoe says while slightly waving the notebook back and forth. One of Bakuhoe's goonies walks up asking about the notebook

"What you got, a diary?" Bakuhoe shows him the notebook "Huh? Don't tell me your taking notes on how to be a hero? That's so pathetic" His goonies start laughing to each other and Izuku stands up. "Yeah, real funny guys, just give it back," Bakuhoe tries to explode the book but nothing happens other than him hitting the book "Huh. What the hell, goddammit, Wake up asshole." I snore as Bakuhoe becomes angry and starts stomping over to my desk.

"You know, it's not nice to attack people." I mumble from my sleep, he grumbles before throwing the notebook out the window but, before it can even get out of the window it teleports into my hand "Well nice talking to ya, but I'm bored so bye," I grab Izuku's and my stuff and teleport us to the front of the school. He sighs and thanks me

"Thank you M/n, I'm sorry that you have to save me every day." I chuckle and hug Izuku "No need for a thank you if I didn't help you then I would asshole" He blushes and scratches the back of his head. "Now come on, I have a feeling something is about to happen," I said dragging him off of school grounds.

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