Extra: How M/n discovered his quirk

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A young boy sits on his bed, having just woken up from a nightmare, he doesn't notice the large tome on his desk. Tears flow down his face, hitting his knees as he cradles himself. " I can't tell momma, I'm a big boy, big boys go back to sleep." He focuses his eyes on his nightlight, the blue flutters across his ceiling. 

It takes a while but his sniffles quite down, he releases his knees and climbs back under his soft blankets. He takes a scan of his room; his breath catches in his throat when he notices the book upon his desk. He thinks for a moment before leaving his bed. The shadows cast by it made it look bigger than it was.

His hand brushes against the cover, it felt like leather, with a few protruding gems that caught his attention. He opens it, the cover makes a solid thud against his desk. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to read the words in the small amount of blue light.

Well, can't turn on the lamp or momma might wake up. maybe I should wait. His curiosity gets the better of him, moving to his bed, his arm swept under it. A hard surface stops his arm, he grabs the box from his bed and pulls out a small flashlight. "This should work." 

The light hurts his eyes for a second before he can see what's in front of him. Guide it said in large letters, he wouldn't have known that word had he not learnt it the last week. "To use this book, write what you want to happen." doubt crossed his mind Yeah right, momma said there a balance to every quirk, that doesn't sound so balanced.

And yet his little hands turned to a blank page and wrote 'I have a puppy' with a pencil. He waited for a moment "Nothing, what a piece of crap" With a thump the pencil hit his desk, the light of the flashlight clicked off. The child's legs stopped walking when he heard a scratching at his door. 

"This can't be happening" he whisper yelled while sprinting to the door. He was met with yipping and a shaking door. His hand hesitantly turned the handle, the door burst open, surprising him enough for him to fall on his behind. A wet feeling gracing his face as the small jack russel covered him in kisses.

"How," he practically screamed while feeling that the dog was really there with his hands. Its fur was sleek, its cold nose prodded his arms and face. "This can't be real, I must still be dreaming," His hand reached his arm and squeezed. A sharp pain greeted his touch. "No way!"

Ignoring the begging pup, the child jumped from his sitting position and rushed towards the book, clicking the flashlight back on. It took him a second to find the pencil but as soon as he does 'I have all of the candy I could ever eat' filled the page. 

A moment passes before a thump is heard in his dresser. A bit a struggle from the child results in an open drawer, filled completely with candy. He grasps handfuls and returns to the book. This is the best quirk ever! I don't have to worry about school anymore. The candy falls onto the desk as the child focuses on cheating.

He hesitates for a moment in thought. I could skip school but then I wouldn't get to see my friends, maybe. More words fill the page, taking effect as soon as he finishes writing. 'I know everything.' 

The young mother's peaceful dreams are interrupted by the sounds a mother never wants to hear. Guttural screams rang from her son's room, her feet touched the ground in an instant. "M/N? WHAT'S WRONG?" Her heart dropped when the door opened to show him writhing in agony on the ground, his hands pulling his hair while crying.

"MAKE IT STOP MOMMY! MAKE IT STOP!" The child wailed as a searing pain spread across his head. It doesn't take long for his young body to give out, passing out from the pain. 

His mother cradled him while weeping, "my baby, what's happened to my baby?" she sobbed out before standing up and setting her son on his bed. The unfamiliar tome catches her attention, a lit flashlight sitting next to it. When she reads the first line, she finally notices the young dog scratching the bedframe. "What the hell?" 

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