Chapter 7

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"Izuku!! Hurry up and open it, your gonna have a panic attack if you wait any longer," M/n stressed as he looked over the other's shoulder at the hands tightly clutched to the package labeled Important across its entirety.

"I know, I know, just... What if I failed? I'm nowhere as strong as you, I didn't manage to get a single point. It's impossible I didn't fail it, I don't want to confirm it," Izuku said with tears gathering in his eyes.

M/n grabbed Izuku's shoulders and looked straight in his eyes with only sincerity. Insuring Izuku "You are the strongest person I've ever met, stronger than me in most regards. Every bit of your strength is real, if anything it's impossible you didn't make it in," M/n didn't stop his reassurance until Izuku had a smile on his face, then pulling the shorter boy into a deep his while rubbing his back.

"Thank you," Izuku said, wrapping one arm around M/n, the other going to his cheeks to wipe his tears. M/n ceased rubbing Izuku's back and wiped the final tear by caressing Izuku's cheek.

Letting go of Izuku, "Now open up that letter before I die of excitement," The taller teen gestured to the forgotten package on Izuku's bed.

"Okay, but... why are you so excited, don't you already know," Izuku paused for emphasis before following with an announcer's voice to mock M/n first explanation of his quirk "Everything that will happen, everything that has happened, and how to do everything ever?"

M/n dismissed Izuku with a wave, "I've locked away the majority of my quirk, it gets," a dull look overtook M/n eyes as he thought about all of the time he spent staring at a wall for hours because nothing was exciting "mind-numbingly boring when you know everything and when-" M/n was cut off by a thick disk falling out the package Izuku was subconsciously tearing open. A hologram projected All Might in a suit, announcing Izuku's score and the secret HERO POINTS.

Izuku burst into tears and latched onto M/n who wrapped his arms around Izuku and swayed back and forth lightly while congratulating him. "See? You will be the next All Might, your so strong," Moving his hand to Izuku's head, M/n ruffled the mop on the sniffling boy with a closed eye smile. Izuku looked up at the taller boy with wide eyes as a red hue engulfed his face.

The moment was interrupted by a crash outside the door followed by rushed footsteps running down the hall, softening as the person got farther from the door. M/n eyes raised and his hand left Izuku, moved to scratch his own head at the partially open door, ignoring the blush on Izuku's face.

Inko midoriya did a little dance in her living room, her son was in love and all she could think of was weddingbells. Inko was snapped out of her daydream by Izuku's door opening, she straightened her posture and looked to the door where M/n gave her a quizzical look before shrugging to himself and closing the door. With a sigh of relief, she went into the kitchen to make the boys some snacks.


Sorry for any grammer mistakes, I'm writing this on my phone because I lost my laptop charger. As you could probably tell this chapter wasn't the best, that is because putting so much effort into my writing burns me out FAST. If i were to continue this book, likely any future chapters will be of the same quality.

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