Chapter 4

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 I let go of Izuku and start rolling on the ground laughing, All Might is now Small Might and glares at me. Izuku looks at me in disbelief. "He's Deflating! Are you- Are you a fake? M/n. what happened?" I sit up slightly and catch my breath. "He is still the real All Might, though he can only keep doing heroics for about 3 hours." All Might glares harder at me.

"Young man, how do you know this?" I jokingly bow and look at him in the eyes "I know everything, every little secret, every big secret, I could take over the entire world if I wanted. I'm surprised I haven't been mentioned to you yet. M/n at your service." He looks at me confused for a second before recognition crosses over his face. "You mean M/n L/n? I am supposed to be taking a watch of you for as long as I'm in Japan." I wave him off and set my head on the crook of Izuku's neck "Yeah, I know, I am almost constantly being watched. They don't trust me, but hey, as long as Izuku doesn't want to be a villain than I don't want to be a villain."

I squeeze Izuku back to my chest and he turns tomato red. All Might shows his scar to Izuku while blood runs down his chin. "As he said, I have taken a pretty serious injury about five years ago, and only have 3 hours a day to be the All Might you know and love. The bleeding is normal as the injury includes half my respiratory organs and my whole stomach. I have become emaciated from repeated surgeries and the aftereffects." Izuku tries to struggle out of my grip but I lowly growl and he stops. Looking straight into All Mights eyes Izuku asks "Five years ago? Is that when you fought toxic chainsaw?" I start playing with Izuku's hair, not wanting to intrude.

"You're well informed, but a punk like that could defeat me. This fight was not made public to the world. I asked that it not be made public. I will save people with a smile! The symbol of peace cannot be daunted by evil. I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me. Pros are always risking their lives. I cannot simply say 'You can become a hero even without power.'" Izuku flinches and I Hug him closer while glaring at All Might. "What kind of hero are you, he has been waiting to meet you his entire life and you just break his hopes, might as well beg him to become a villain."

All Might glared back at me. "If you want to help others, then you could also become a police officer. They're often teased because they get villains delivered to their doorstep, but that is also a fine occupation. It's not bad to dream. But you also have to consider what is realistic, young man." All Might finished off as he walked through the rooftop door. I growl in the direction of the door as I comfort Izuku. Izuku turns around in my arm and starts to sob into my chest. I sigh and rub his back to calm him while whispering in his ear how he can still become a hero.

In the distance, an explosion goes off and Izuku pushes out of my arms. I sigh again as Izuku starts rambling about heroes, he certainly can recover fast. He grabs my sleeve and rushes towards the edge of the building. If I didn't know what he meant I would think he was trying to jump. I motion him and he backs up to my chest and I wrap my arms around him tightly. He squeaks as I jump up and start to float as fast as I can (more like want to) towards the smoke. When I get close I see Mt lady stuck between two buildings and a group of people watching something up ahead.

Smoke floats up as I focus on a morphing figure. "Bakuhoe got himself his own personal hentai monster, Niceeeee." Izuku gives me a look of disbelief and rushes to the front of the group. I jump over the group and follow him after hearing two adults talking. "Why aren't the heroes doing anything?" "They can't, apparently the villain caught a junior high student." What a mess, Bakuhoe is trapped by a hentai monster and Izuku is definitely going to do something rash. The adults continue to talk about the villain and All Might as I catch Small Might in my peripheral vision. We make eye contact so I motion towards the villain, he shakes his head and I sigh for the hundredth time.

I notice Izuku start to hop from one foot to the other in nervousness and I hop above the crowd, floating just above it. Just as I get above Izuku he makes eye contact with Bakuhoe and freaks out, running as fast as he can toward him. I follow just behind while floating vertically and leaning forward. The villain takes notice of Izuku and stops moving around, looking behind him to have direct eye contact with me. In fear, the villain screams and tries to run away but I smirk and he freezes in his spot, looking directly at me and Izuku. Izuku doesn't take notice of me behind him and throws his bag at the monsters eye, taking Bakuhoe out of the slimes hold just long enough for Bakuhoe to get a deep breath. Bakuhoe looks back at us and I send him a wink. effectively making him turn a deep red.

I chuckle and Izuku takes notice of me just as we get to the villain, Izuku starts digging at the villain while looking at me pleadingly. I grumble and hold out my hand, forming another marble-like bubble, drawing back my arm, I throw the bubble and it surrounds the villain once again. The bubble slowly gets smaller while letting Bakuhoe out. Once Bakuhoe is out I motion towards him and he starts floating over to Izuku and I. The bubble pops and the slime villain tries to run away but All Might shows up to confront the villain "I really am pathetic, even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice! Pro's are always risking their lives! DETROIT SMASH!" All Might breaks out of the villains hold on his arm and punches him, effectively changing the weather and taking care of the villain, other than the fact that I'm pretty sure he just killed the villain.

The crowd starts to cheer as rain falls on them, and their view of All Might is brought back up. All Might stands upright and falters his foot placement for a second before posing with his arm in the air. Throughout all of this, I was right beside him, I pat his back, I could have easily taken him but if I let Izu-Kun's favorite hero be seen as weak, what kind of friend would I be?  

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