Chapter 1

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Third-person pov

Five young boys stand in a playground. One is crying on the ground, one is hovering protectively over the crying child, and three are standing in a threatening way before the other two boys.

The protective child builds up his confidence yelling at the blonde boy in front of him, the main bully. "Why are you being so mean? You are making him cry Kacchan! If you keep hurting him, uh-I'll-uh, I'LL STOP YOU MYSELF!" 'Kacchan' smirks as the two boys behind him show off their quirks, a special, superhuman ability, an individual can possess,

"Huh, you wanna pretend to be a hero?" The egotistical child mocks before showing off his quirk, a small explosion erupts from his hand as he punches it in a threatening manner. "You don't stand a chance without a quirk, Deku," the protective 'Deku' lightly gasps while taking a step back in fear of his so-called friend. The three bullies launch themselves at the young green-haired boy, but are stopped abruptly, hitting an invisible barrier as another young boy runs towards the protective boy. 'Kacchan' yells and tries to destroy the barrier as the other two boys give up and leave. The crying child runs away.

The boy checks 'Deku' for injuries while asking "Are you okay? he didn't hurt you, did he?" 'Deku' smiles slightly while shaking his head. The new child leans back on the invisible wall in relief, "Good, my name is M/n L/n, what's yours?" before the boy can respond, 'Kacchan' butts in yelling.

"Stop ignoring me, I'm better than Deku." The violent boy continues to attack the barrier as M/n ignores him. The barrier surrounds the blonde child and forces him to calm down. "Do not listen to him, no one is useless, anyone can change the world" M/n reassures the boy before he speaks.

"Um, hi? My name is Izuku midoriya, thank you for the help" M/n smiles at Izuku, before he responds "no problem, if I didn't help you against this bully then what would that say about me, what is his name?" The blonde yells once more before cutting Izuku off.

"He doesn't even deserve to say my name, I'm Katsuki Bakugou and I am going to be the number one hero when I grow up!" M/n gives him a cold glare "Heros don't attack other people to boost their ego's. If this is how you act when you're an adult, you will never be number one" Bakugoe looks at M/n in surprise as he lightly grabs Izuku's hand and walks out of the playground. "Not the best way to meet, but I hope we can become good friends Izu-kun!"

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