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One Week Later

Austin's POV.  

I guess things have become better around here. But almost every time he is on the phone he keeps yelling like he lost every single bolt of his. 

But when he sees me he acts like nothing happened. But I know he is still pissed. And it is scaring the shit out of me. I have never seen him this mad at someone. I know for a fact that this has something to so with me... I just dont know what it is

And just like that the phone rang again and there was arguing coming from the from Dad's room. I just learned to tune it out at this point. I went over to the kitchen and heated up some left over pizza. I know what you are thinking you cant heat up pizza in a hotel room! Well the room we are staying in is like a mini 2 bedroom flat that a kitchen which was well stocked. 

Dad came out of his room. Still looking stressed. When he saw me he smiled and acting like he didn't just yell at someone.

"You know that I am not deaf right?" I tell him. 

Dad's eyes widen visibly

"Oh that was just m management nothing to worry about" Dad tells me as he takes a water bottle out of the fridge. 

"Yeah... So mind telling me why the yelling is happening almost everyday?"  I ask him biting into my pizza.

"Nothing much it is not important" Dad says taking a seat in front of me.

"Right it is nothing much when it has something to do with me. Got that" I say taking my now empty plate to the kitchen sink. 

"Wait how do you know about that?" He asked a little surprised.

"You know that your voice can travel through walls right?" I ask him rolling my eyes. 

"Yeah I guess... I never really thought of that" Dad said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. 

"So now you mind telling me what is going on?" I ask him sitting back down.

Dad sighed. 

"That was my manager Aldrin" Dad starts off.

"He um... wanted to sign you to the record label" Dad says. 

I was a little taken back by this. I mean they wanted me? I wasn't any good and they wanted me? I mean I never even took music that seriously to begin with and now a contract?

"Just hear me out on this okay? I told them you will not sign the contract because you cannot sign it Austin. I mean you are only 15 I know the pressures of being in the music industry everything is so demanding, the rumors, deadlines, The pressure and you are young it is easy to feel the stress Austin I am telling you this because I have been there and it is not easy. Trust me I not saying this because I dont think you have what it take you are really good but I cant send in to that at this age. So that is why I told them when you turn 18 it will be your choice. But for now I cant let you do this please understand and please dont fight me on this" Dad says.

"Okay" I tell him. I mean what he said made sense so and plus the world will hold very high expectations of me because of the sole reason that I am louis tomlinson's son. When I dont hold up to that expectation people will be let down and I dont want to do that. 

"Yeah I know but you have to listen to me-" Dad starts of again but he stops abruptly. 

"Did you just say okay?" He asks. 

"Yeah what you said made sense so I dont see a reason not to agree with you on it" I tell him shrugging. 

"Oh... Okay... Right..." He says like he did not expect me to agree with him. Well I wouldnt exactly blame him there we have a long history of not agreeing with each other so...

"Well um... get ready we are going to eat outside kind of sick of eating pizza every night" 

"Okay" I tell him extending the pronunciation of the word. While getting up to go to my room to get dressed. 


Ugh! Again I wrote a crappy chapter! I didn't want to start on the plot of the next chapter just yet because then the chapter would feel all too much so... 

Anyways my school will be starting next week sometime so I wont be as active as I used to plus I have finals around the corner. So maybe I could squeeze in one more update before I go. It wont be that long maybe a month not more so.. Yeah sorry :(

Love ya ;)

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