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this chapter has to be my most favorite one .

P.S. why does he look so hot smoking??????

Austin's pov.

The next day.

I woke up and thank fully louis did not try and cook but instead bought something to eat instead. After breakfast I went up to my room and started some English essay I had to submit the next day. After I finished the English essay I started editing the pictures I took of louis at the performance. I had to get all the pictures done and edited today so I can print them out tomorrow and submit it on Tuesday. 

I have to admit I got so good shots of the performance. I started to zoom into his face getting the expressions and stuff. 

I was almost done with my work so I went downstairs to get some water. When I got  downstairs I saw louis there and he was sitting on the couch and smoking. 

Just the site of him smoking made me want to throw up. I mean I always knew he smoked but seeing him smoking was different. I did not like it. I push the thought away and went back upstairs to continue my work. 

Even when I was doing my work the image of him smoking kept coming into my head. I decided to do something which at the time I did not realize was stupid. 


I heard the bathroom door in Louis's room close. Time to take my plan into action. I went into Louis's room. I probably had only a minute before he came out. I quickly scanned the room looking for the cigarette packs. I spot one on top of his side table and another in the book shelf? I grab the two of them and leave the room just in time when I hear the door to the bathroom open. 

I go downstairs and scan the hall and dinning room finding another pack. Great now step on is complete what is Step 2 ?  I should really think my plans through a bit more. I look around think of what I should do with these cigarette packs. Then the dustbin comes into view that is where these are gonna go. 


A couple of hours later

Louis's pov. 

I looked around my room for my cigarette pack but I could not find it. Where the hell is it? I go down to the hall because I remember that I kept a pack there but when I went there is was not there either. This was just frustrating now where the hell was it??

I let out a frustrated groan and went to get a can of soda from the fridge. I chug down the soda and crush the can and open the dustbin to throw it but something catches my eye. My cigarette packs. 

What the hell are they doing in the dustbin? Who would chuck it in the dustbin? To the second question there was only answer Austin I mean he is the only one here to actually do it. To the second question only he will have the answer. 

I storm up to his room. Why the hell would he chuck my cigarette packs he has no right to do that! I am just pissed at this point. 

I open his room door without even bothering to knock. 

"Austin!" I say. He had his back facing me and was doing something on his computer. 

He turned around "hold that" he said and he took his phone out and clicked a picture? Was he trying to get my more pissed?

"Yeah" He said now placing his phone on his desk. 

"Did you take my cigarette packs?" I ask anger obvious in my voice. 

"Yes" he said and turned back to do his work. This was pissing me of so much.

"Why did you take chuck it?" I ask trying to keep my voice calm. But he does not respond. 

"Why did you chuck it!?" I repeat my voice getting louder this time. 

"I dont know! okay I dont know" He responded almost immediately his voice starting out strong and becoming soft almost scared towards the end. That answer took me by superise and it made all my frustration just disappear.

I was about to say about to say something but he beat me to it. 

"It is just that I saw you smoking earlier I mean I knew you smoked but I just didn't like seeing it. I know I have no right to tell you whether or whether not you should smoke and I know it was stupid of me to chuck your cigarettes out. I guess it is just the fact that I lost mum to cancer I dont want to loose another person as well " He said his voice so soft that I bet no one could have heard it but I heard every word of it. 


This is my favorite chapter I mean the feels hit hard what do you guys think?

Thank you for the love and support. 

Love ya;)

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