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Austin's POV. 

I walked out of the room leaving behind dad and Niall. I know soon enough dad will be back to talk and I know he will want to know why I did the contract. I cant lie to him but I cant tell him why I did it.... He will for sure get all pissed and do something and then me signing the contract would be useless... 

Just like predicted dad came into my room with the 'we need to talk' face. I sighed knowing what was going to come. 

He opened his mouth to start talking but I beat him to it. 

"Before you ask I cant tell you why I signed the contract it is for the better if I dont tell you" I tell him kind of scared that he would start to yell at me but instead he gives me a lope sided smile.

"I had a feeling you would say that. But I need to know what happened Austin so please tell me I promise I wont flip out" He tells me. I know I shouldn't I know he will  flip out for sure it is inevitable for sure.

"You will get mad" I tell him.

"I promise Austin I wont" He tells me.

I sigh... I guess I have to...

"A week ago when you were at some interview or something Aldrin came here. He told me if I dont sign the contract he would drop your contract... I didn't want you to loose yours so I signed it besides that contract is only three years" I tell him looking at him waiting for some kind of reaction. He just stood there no emotion on his face. 

He comes over to where I am sitting and sits there with me putting his arm around me. 

"That was very sweet of you Austin but that wasn't your decision to make... I know you meant only good but if you told me about this I am sure we could have found some other solution" He tells me oddly he was very calm. 

"It was my decision I had the chance to let you continue doing what you love so I took it" I tell him with a slight shrug. 

"But that doesn't mean you have to do something you dont want to" He tells me. 

"Well never said this isn't something I dont want to do... I just never thought of doing music like that" I tell him. 

He looks down on me a small smile on his lips "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even if I found out a little late" He tells me with a little chuckle which causes me to smile at him. 

"You know when you grow older your wild heart will live for the younger days. One day you will leave this world behind so do whatever it is to live a life that you will remember. Dont forsake this life of yours for anything. And if you mess up and get lost I will bring you back home, if you get scared just look at me okay?" Every word he said seemed to have been engraved in my head... 

"Okay this just got really sappy let us get some pizza and you will tell me everything alright?" He asks me laughing this causes me to laugh.

"I dont seem to have much of a choice here" I say.

"No you dont" 


Guys I am so sorry to say that this book will come to an end in a few more chapters :((( And the ending isn't exactly a happy one so I am sorry but I want to do that ending cause I want my book to be realistic. 

Love ya tones ;) 

Dont go anywhere stick around for the ending!

Dont go anywhere stick around for the ending!

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Also can we please talk about that 👆

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