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Listen to the song above while reading it is just perfect

Austin's pov.

I pick up the call and a lady's voice comes.

"Hello is this Austin Tomlinson?" the lady asks.

"Yeah this is me" I say my voice comes out hoarse because I am still half asleep.

"We are sorry to disturb you but I am calling from Saint Thomas hospital" as those words come out of her mouth I feel everything around me stop. No no no this cant be.

"Miss. Alison Grand is um.... She has passed " The lady says I could physically feel my heart sink. 

"We require you to come here tomorrow with the company of an adult to sign some papers" She says. I nod but I realise she cannot see me.

"Okay" I croak.

Then the line went dead.

I took the phone away from my ears and gently placed it down. At that moment I felt a wave of complete anger I wast angry at any one in specific I was angry at the whole world around me. I wanted to see everything around me crash and burn. I wanted to smash anything that came to my hands. But I knew better than to actually do that. So I did the one thing that drains all my anger. Football.

I went to the backyard and found my ball in between one of the bushes. I started to just dribble the ball and I smashed it with all my force against the wall of the house. I did that and only that over and over again to get all my anger out of me.


I dont know how long I have been at this. Probably hour now and I am really tired but I dont want to stop. If I do stop I know I will break down in an instant.

"Honey what are you doing up so late?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around to see a very sleepy Laura standing there.

I dont say anything I feel like if I do I will break down 100%. When I dont reply Laura face has concern all over it. 

She takes a few steps forward before she says."Austin what is wrong?"

I dont say anything again. "What is it?" She asks now only a feet away from me. 

I shake my head not wanting to even open my mouth.

"Austin please tell me what is wrong " she says concern and worry lacing her voice.

"I... She is gone" he minute those words leave my mouth I feel the tears falling down on my face. In one swift motion Laura was by my side and she hugged and whispered things telling me that it was okay. You know I knew she was going to leave but I thought I at least had some time to convince her to take the surgery.


We stayed like that for sometime until Laura said let us go inside.

We went inside and she went straight to the kitchen. I sat down in the kitchen table. Laura got me a glass of water. I drank it and it really was helpful the water.

"How did you know?" she asks after some time of silence. 

"I got a call a couple of hours ago." I say.

There was silence again. But this time I was the one to break it.

"I am sorry for waking you up"

"Honey dont be I am always there for you" She says and bring me into a hug.


I am sorry for this really short chapter. And also for the fact that it is really short .

Again sorry for the spelling mistake and grammar errors :(

Lots of Love


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