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Austin's pov.

I got up expecting to see Jenifer there but I saw Louis?

"Hey.." He said dragging it.

I just nod.

"So how is school?" He asks.

"Good?" I respond but it comes out more like a question.

"Good Good" He says looking at his feet.

He looks up at me again.

"I have something important to discuss" He says.

"Yeah?" I say letting him continue.

"I well got invited to perform at the royal variety next weekend " He says.

I nod for him to continue well it isn't like the first time he got invited this is the 3rd time as a solo artist.

"Um... my management has decided that the Royal Variety is the perfect place to introduce you" He says.

Well that wasn't what I was expecting like at all.But I cannot hide forever can I? I mean people will find out that louis is my father at some point right?

I nod.

"So.... I was thinking maybe we can go on Friday for getting your clothes for it?" He asks hopefully.

I was about say yeah fine but that is when I realised that I have football practice after school that day.

"Um.. I actually have some after school stuff to do.." I say. I still dont know why I am not telling anyone but I guess I don't want to that fact for hiding it came naturally for me I don't even know why though.

"Oh... how about I pick you up after school on Monday? " He asks.

I did not want him to come to school I don't want people seeing me getting into a car with him. But I guess people will find out soon enough so  I guess him coming won't make much of a difference.

"Okay " I say.

He nods.



I consider myself as the luckiest person to walk the bloody earth. Till now Jace and Reece haven't beaten me up! I know I am lame. I am not the person who stands up to bullies I am scared of them and probably will be till the end of my time.

On Thursday they did not come to school and Friday I avoided them and during practice they gave me death glares but they did not say anything to me.

Today so far I have not seen them and it is the end of the day so one more day I have survived!

I take some of my books from my locker and and stuff them into my bag and make my way to the entrance of the school.

I saw Louis waiting in the car at the far end. I was on my way when a arm grabbed me.

The person dragged me away from the entrance. Soon I felt my back against a wall.

I finally could see who it was and of course it just had to Reece and Jace.

"You thought you escaped huh?" Reece sneered.

I did not answer it. But they were right.

"What you have no tongue?" Jace spat equally pissed off.

I still dont answer.

"You think you can get away with talking back to me and then humiliating me in the field ?" Reece asks harshly.

I want to tell him to fuck off but I don't have the guts.

"He asked you a question answer it!" Jace yelled.

When I did not respond again he punched me straight in the ribs.
I groan out in pain.

Then it started the both of them punched me over and over again. When they left their grip on me I fell straight to the ground I felt so weak I cloud not even stand.

When I fell to the floor they started the kicking. I felt like hurling everything I had inside of me.

I don't know how long they kicked me. But they stopped now.

"This is far from over you little bastard " Reece says and then I hear  their footsteps getting further away from where I was laying.

So I am sorry for all the sadness but I swear the next chapter will make up for everything.

Love ya ;)

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