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Austin's POV.

It has been 2 days since I got the contract. It is like this haunting nightmare! I did read it. I went through all the terms and conditions. There were some words that were not understandable well that is why you have google. 

The whole contract was for a period of 3 years. In that three years depending upon the sales and stuff I  have to release an album out of with 60% of the songs I have to write. I will have to take a celebrity interview course which is a week long. So they like tell me what I can say in interviews and what I cannot say. If the album goes out well I will have to do a tour again the locations depend on the success of the whole album. Any material I write in the official studio will be their property. Also any recording that is there will have to be done in LAX so yeah... They were again multiple sub conditions. It is a very long comprehensive document. I spent the whole night reading it. 

I could tell dad about it. But the guilt would haunt me if dad lost his contract because of me. Plus I know that is very popular and has quiet a fandom and he could sign into another record label. But it wont work. Dad is already 33 years old and the music industry thrives of signing young artist between 15 - 25. That is the age group because they think that is the age the the girls will go nuts over. It isnt fair but that is reality. So if I dont sign it would kill him I know how much writing music and performing means to him. 

I sigh I have been racking my brain on it since yesterday and I was getting a head ache out of it. 

I grab dad's Mac Book and opened it up. He has told me not use his and use mine but come on mine was in my room all the way on the other side. I didn't want to get up and get it plus his was right in front of me. I opened it up and it asked for a password...

He never had a password before. Maybe he put it on because I always use it. What could the password be? Then it hits me. 

I type in 'defenseless walls' and it works. Defenseless was dad's all time favorite song he wrote and walls was the name of his very first album he had a special place in his heart for it. I went to the official Glamour website. Dad was doing a interview there. Since I had nothing to do I thought I might watch it. 

The interview started of course they asked the general questions that comes in every interview. Then the interviewer Camila brought out her phone. She said she posted on twitter about Louis's interview and asked fans to ask some questions. 

She starts to scroll through some questions and then she reads out the first questions 

"This is from  she asks when will you release your new album?" 

"Ahhh um... I am working on it most of it is done. I cant exactly put a date on it. But yeah it should be out soon" He answers with a chuckle. 

"Well I am sure your fans are dying to hear it" She tells him with a wide smile. Dad also smiles and tells her thank you. 

"Okay next up we have a question from @Ember_Destruct15 she asks if you weren't an singer what would you be doing?"

"Ah... that is just it I feel. I didn't have music I dont know where I would be. I guess music is my everything. I just happened to make a living out of it" He says and guilt starts to wash over me. He could loose his music because of me. And I cant live with myself with that kind of guilt.

"Plus god knows I was terrible at school so music was my like only option" He tells Camila laughing.

I cant do this. I cant let him loose his contract I have to sign the contract. I cant cause him more pain. God knows I have already hurt him so much. 

"Okay we have another question here it is from @Fangirl_Forever7171 she asks do you ever plan on retiring from the music industry?" 

"I wont lie it does get tiring and now I have son so yeah I do plan on retiring any time soon though I still want to perform. Maybe later I wont perform as much or release more music but I will probably write for other artist" He tells her smiling. 

I cant to do this to him... I would be the worst son ever if I did do that to him... 

I shut down the Mac Book I have made up mind.

I took my phone that was charging and dialed the number on the file. 

"Hello" Aldrin's voice said on the other end of the phone. 

"I will sign your contract" 


Shit what is going to happen?? Oh lord there are only a few chapters left and so much to happen!! I hope you like the way I cooperated your names into the story... It was like my way of saying thank you for the support!      

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