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Austin's Pov. 

We arrived at New York a couple of hours ago. Dad said that we were going to go out for lunch and then he had a show here the next day. 

I was chilling in my room in the Hotel in New York. I was really bored I had no idea what to do. Maybe I could call up Laura and the girls. 

I pull out my phone and face time Laura. After it rang for a bit it was picked up by to identical 7 year old girls. 

"Austin!!!" Ash screams.

"Hi!" I say back. 

"We miss you come back!" Kate says.

"You know I cant. I am not even in London I am in New York. And besides what are you to doing with Laura's Phone?" I say.

"Mum is in the kitchen she said we can pick it up!" Ash says defensively. 

"Okay okay okay I believe you. Tell me about your school play" I say. 

That gets them started. They start to talk about one of their class mates Bobby  I think how he forgot his lines during the play. The discussion went on to how they are now going to play piano as they started going to classes. 

But their rambling was cut off when a voice from behind them said "Girls who are you talking to?"

"Mommy look it is Austin!" Kate says. 

"Austin how are you? Doing alright Honey?" She asks. 

"I am fine" I say with a smile.

"Okay now you girls have to go get ready for you play date at Melissa's house" Laura says. The Girls nod enthusiastically and run off to get ready. 

"How is tour?" She asks

"Well tomorrow is the first show so... I dont know" I say.

"Well are you having fun? You are travelling the world!" She says.

"Well first of I am traveling only North America and secondly I am going out for lunch with dad today so that is that" I say. 

She just smiles. 

"What?" I ask.

"You have changed so much. You look happier you are so much more confidant. You are acting like a 15 year old not some 40 year old person" She says. 

"When did I act like a 40 year old person?" I ask. 

"You know what I mean" She says seriously. 

I knew what she meant. And there is only one word to that mum. 

"Austin come on we have to get lunch!" I hear dad call out. 

"Okay I have to go" I say.

"Okay honey take care!" She says. After that I jump out of bed. 

"I am coming!" I say grabbing my jacket tucking my phone into my pocket. 

"Come on let us go" Dad says as we leave. 

"Yeah yeah I said I was coming!" I say. I finally open my room door to see dad there waiting for me. 

"Finally!" He says. 

"What are you talking you take longer to get ready" I say rolling my eyes. 

"Watch the mouth!" He says.

"Still dont think you have had enough of me and want to send me back home???" I ask hopefully.

"No" he says in short. 

"Kill Joy" I mutter. 


After lunch which was pizza. We made it a deal. We eat the pizza of every place we go to and at the end we decide which place had the best pizza. 

"Where are we going now?" I ask. 

"To see the statue of liberty" He says. 

"Okay" I say. Dad always had this obsession to see all the wonders of  the world. Even though he has been to New York a million times he was never here long enough to see the place. 

After driving for 30 minutes we reached the place. Suddenly I had an idea. A beautiful one as well. 

"Isn't it amazing?" Dad says looking at it in the midst of tourists. 

"Well yeah it does but it looks just like this" I as genuinely as possible while holding up my phone which showed a picture of the statue of liberty. 

Dad looked at me like a he had no idea what to do now. 

"I.... uh.... it is the same thing..." He said his expression was indescribable. Like the picture bellow. 

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"I know" I said bursting into laughter. 

"But your face. I cant -" I say I couldn't contain my laughter. 

"Now I am considering sending you back home" He said. 

"Now I dont wanna go. This is slowly getting fun" I say still in fits of laughter.

He rolls his eyes. 

After that the Author decided that she wanted to speed things up so is going to do a quick summery of the rest. 

The next day came faster than one would have thought. I went to the venue where louis is performing. The minute Dad reached there he was whisked away for a meet and greet with the fans.  After a couple of hours of that he came back to get ready for the show. While dad was doing all that I helped the stage crew set up for the first show of the tour. I met the rest of dad's band. They were all amazing people and Connors  his guitarist said that he would help me get better at playing sometime during the tour.

Soon dad was up on stage. He performed his opening song. After that he went on to talk to the crowd. 

"Hello New York! I am so glad I get to start my tour in this wonderful city!" He says the whole crowd went wild. 

"So most of you are aware that I have brought my son Austin on tour" The whole crowd cheered again. 

"So well I want all of you to do something for me. I need you to pray that I wont leave him in some city unknowingly or knowingly" He says shooting me a wink causing the whole crowd to laugh. 

I rolled my eyes. Well to be fair he did leave me in the mall on more than one occasion.  

"Guys I am serious" Louis says in a fake serious voice. The audience was in fits of laughter. 

"Anyways let us get this show on the road!" He shouts causing the whole crowd to scream. And he moves on to sing his next song on the list. 

You see this is why I dont want to sing. I mean I love singing and stuff but when you have a dad like Louis Tomlinson it is impossible to be one. I could never get the crowd going like he does I can never put on a show like him. And if I were to perform people would come with high expectations of me and I dont wanna let down anyone especially dad. 

A.N. I didn't go through this chapter so if there is any spelling errors I am sorry! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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