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Almost a year later

Austin's pov.

"Come on rocky everyone will be here now" I say to my dog rocky. Rocky is a rescue dog I black mailed louis to adopt.

Rocky isn't really a much of a gaurdian dog he is more of a over energetic dog that makes a mess of everything and gets on Louis's nerves (that is the best part of the dog).

Right now I am trying to get rocky to put is collar on before everyone comes.

Everyone as I don't really know louis is having his album release party today here at the house. So everyone will be there.

I hear the door bell ring and rocky tries to run to the door but I manage to stop him from running.

"Can you get that?" I yell to louis who is in his room across the corridor.

"I am getting ready here!" He yells back.

"You have been getting Ready for the past hour! So get the freaking door!" I yell back rolling my eyes.

"Why can't you do it?" He calls again.

"Cause I am trying to get rocky to put his collar on!" I yell back.

"He is your dog so your problem" he screams back. If you haven't noticed there is a lot of yelling that goes on here.

"Oh for the love of Jesus just get the door!" I yell cause our conversation was making someone wait for so long outside.

"Will the two of you quit it we got in" I hear Ethan ' s voice call from downstairs.

That made rocky use all the strength he had and bolted to the door. Causing me to chase behind him.

Rocky and Ethan are inseparable I swear. When I went down stairs and saw niall and Ethan there playing with rocky.

"How did the two of you get in?" Louis's voice says from behind.

I turn around to see that he is wearing a simple white bottom down and black jeans.

"Seriously this is what you took an hour to change into?" I ask him rolling my eyes. But he ignores me and looks at niall waiting for him to answer.

"Mate I have known you for almost 15 years and you have not changed the place where you hide the spare key" niall says.

"And hiding it under the flower pots isn't very creative" Ethan says causing me to chuckle and louis glare at him.


The party was I don't know how to explain what was happening.

I caught niall and his mate Lewis singing at the top of their lungs niall ' s song nice to meet ya completely drunk. I definitely took a video of that. You see that is one of the privileges I get these parties gives me access to stuff that no one has seen of them. So these moments are very good for black mail.

"Do you think we can take some beer?" Ethan asks standing next to me.

"Honestly taking beer at Louis's party is not going to get him on your good side" I say chuckling now seeing that even louis joined niall and Lewis ' s drunk singing.

"Oh come on he loves me" he jokes.

I lift my eyebrow up which dillusional world is he living in? Louis hates Ethan and honestly louis is just waiting for a reason to get Ethan out of the house and taking beer would definitely be one.

I think the part of the reason louis doesn't like Ethan is because Ethan and younger louis is a lot a like even though he won't admit it. But trust me they are a lot alike I have heard a lot of stories from Jay.


The party died down at around 3 in the morning. Everyone left except for Ethan and niall who crashed in the couch.

I went back up to my room I looked at the clock 3:27 am 8th Nov. I smiled to myself "happy birthday me" I say softly before I go and change into some sweats.

Yes today is my 15th birthday but I never told anyone. Birthdays have never been something that I made a big deal about. I mean it just shows the fact that you have lived another year hurray!

I was about to get into to bed when I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and went to open it.

There I saw Louis standing there. I looked at him a bit confused.

"Just came here to say happy birthday" he says with a smile.

How did he know it was my birthday? But just as fast as that thought came i dropped it and couldn't help but return the smile "Thank you" I say softly.

"I... a... got you something" he says handing me a small package then scratching the back of his neck.

I did not expect him to really remember let alone get me something.

I take the small package and unwrap it. I could feel louis look at my every moment. When I unwrapped it there was a framed a photo of me and louis when we went to Doncaster. It was a pic of the the time when I was telling everyone the time louis set off the smoke alarm. This was the picture lottie took. I smiled at it.

Louis's pov .

I waited nervously as he opened the package. He opens it and smiled at the picture causing me to smile as well.

What he did next caught me by superise. He hugged me I hugged him back.

"Thank you dad" he mumbled into my chest.

That was the first time he called me dad. My heart melted when he said it. This was all I wanted to hear since he got here.

We had a bumpy road but we made it in the end.

Austin's pov .

Everything had changed between us since Doncaster. Maybe all I had to do was give him a chance. A chance was all I needed to give him for us to get here.

So... yeah read on guys the book does continue!!

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