Part 8

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Logan grinned, watching Charles squeeze the bridge of his nose as Peter talked. And, boy, could he talk.

"Hey, who's the pretty girl in your wallet? She's really pretty. Is she a mutant? I think she's one too isn't she? She's got nice eyes. Why isn't she here? Did you guys break up? Or is she your sister? Wait, don't tell me she's your mom? My mom-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Charles exploded.

Peter nodded. After a few minutes of silence, only broken by the sound of bubblegum popping, he went back at it.

"Touchy subject? Yeah, I should know. Do you know how many times I've been dumped? At least-"

Logan lowered the window more so the wind drowned out the noise. He closed his eyes, content with the wind blowing in his face.

With the lull of the wind, his behind the sunglasses began to droop, and he fell into a much needed sleep.


Hank drove with his lips sealed tight, annoyed out of his mind by the silverheaded boy. By the looks on Charles's face, he was even more annoyed at having to sit next to Peter. 
Eventually when Hank parked to fill up the gas tank, Peter hopped out and said he'd meet them there. Before Charles could say anything, he'd zoomed of, leaving behind the faint smell of bubblegum.

"That is one crazy bloke. He should be put into the fucking nut house!" Charles hissed after flipping the bird.

"That is if they can catch him." Hank said, getting back into the car. He looked at Logan next to him. His eyebrows were creased together and he was muttering in his sleep.

Hank couldn't help feeling sorry for him. He looked at Charles. Hank knew that deep down the Professor was still in there and that he pitied Logan too.

He started the engine, wondering what you would think of Logan.


Logan wiped the water off his face as best as he could, only to be sprayed with more from the fire alarm water sprinkler.

The two guards were groaning on the floor. Charles used the key card to open the elevator doors.

Charles looked at the guards and then at Logan sceptically. "I'm sorry, I'm just not very good with violence."

The elevator doors opened. In front of Peter was a tall man dressed in gray prison clothes. Logan's gut twisted, recognizing him from photos you'd shown him. Erik Lensherr, aka Magneto. You were right, he looked good when he was young.

Before Erik could utter a word, Charles punched Erik in the face with anger.


Everyone took a step back. The voice that came from Erik's mouth was a high pitched squealing voice.

"What the fucking hell! Shit! Oh fuck, that hurts!"

A stream of expletives came spewing out. Erik looked up with watering eyes. Except they had changed color. They weren't gray but instead neon green.

Logan watched as Erik slowly shrunk even shorter than Charles. His skin became darker until it was a dark brown tinted with green. The roots of his hair turned the same neon green as his eyes, up to the tips of his now jaw length hair where it turned into pitch black.

The entire time they were watching him, he was still hissing cuss words. He stopped, seeing everyone staring at him. The little man held up his hand and looked at his now dark arm. When he spoke his voice was a squeaky voice like rusted pipes.

"Fuck. Well, cat's out of the bag! Hi! I'm Wally."


Date: Sunday, 7 March, 2021

Word count: 601

Sorry this one's short, I'm on tight schedule.


Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now