Part 35

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You stood frozen. One evening he had barged into your life and then the next he had been pulled out of it. You looked at Erik, the tears streaming down.

"I had to." Was all he said. "And I have to." You felt something hard and cold snake its way around your wrists and ankles. You cried out when they dragged you to a concrete slab a little of to the side and pinned you down. "You're too exhausted right now, I know you are. I'm sorry liebling."

He walked away, stretching his hands out. You watched as a metal container crashed out of the building leaving a gaping hole. It skidded to a stop a few feet in front of him. He tore off the side of the container to reveal the room inside crowded with men in black suits. He pulled the guns away from them and pointed them at the men instead. With his powers he turned all the cameras to him and spoke.

"You built these weapons to destroy us. Why? Because you are afraid of our gifts. Because we are different. Humanity has always feared that which is different. Well, I'm here to tell you, to tell the world, you're right to fear us. We are the future."

You sobbed again wondering if back home they were watching. That they would

see Erik murder innocent people. That they had seen the chaos he had created.

"We are the ones who will inherit this earth, and anyone who stands in our way will suffer the same fate as these men you see before you. Today was meant to be a display of your power. Instead I give you a glimpse of the devastation my race can unleash upon yours. Let this be a warning to the world. And to my mutant brothers and sisters out there, I say this; no more hiding, no more suffering. You have lived in the shadows in shame and fear for too long. Come out, join me. Fight together in the brotherhood of our kind. A new tomorrow, that starts today."

"No, no. Why Erik, why?" You whispered to yourself, trying to teleport out of the bonds. After a few more deep breaths you managed to teleport out. Every bone in your body felt like it was burning from not having used your powers in a long time. You coughed and blood splattered onto the grass. Putting your fingers to your lips, sticky warm blood came off.

You wiped it off and stumbled towards a wall of concrete, trying to find where Charles and Hank might be.

"Mr. President! Sir!" You peeked from behind the wall to see the President walking towards Erik.

No, get back!

"You want to make a statement? Kill me? Fine! But spare everyone else!" He shouted to Erik.

Erik smiled. "Very heroic, Mr. President. But you have no intention of sparing any of us. The future of our species begins now."

You watched helplessly as Erik turned the guns on the people. Behind you the ground began to shake and a Sentinel was jogging toward Erik. He put his hand out, dismantling it bit by bit till it fell and there were only fragments everywhere. You looked at the Sentinel just a few feet behind you. You looked up to see Erik looking at you wide eyed.

The President moved, catching your attention. The scream was on the tip of your tongue when he quickly whipped out a gun and shot Erik.

He fell to the ground clutching his neck. All around you, metal fell and the Sentinels shut down.

Blue scales cascaded down as Raven morphed from the President to her usual self. Erik seemed to speak a few words to her before she replied and knocked him out.

You watched as she pointed the gun into the container. The people moved, before suddenly becoming still. You got up, knowing it was Charles's doing.

"Get out of my head Charles!" She shouted.

You walked toward her quietly. She breathed heavily.

"Look around you we already are!" She said. You moved forward more. Her hand was wavering. The people unfroze. You moved forward till you were clearly in her line of sight. She looked at you and you saw tears in her eyes.

"Raven." You moved forward. She shifted her line of sight back to Trask. You put out your hand. "Please. Do what's right."

Out of the blue she pointed the gun at you. Before she lowered it into your hand. She then turned around, limping toward Erik. You took her arm and put it on your shoulder letting her lean on you. When you reached him, she reached down and pulled off the helmet. You smiled at her before she grinned her perfect smile and walking away.

"He's all yours Charles." You heard her say.

You watched as Erik opened his eyes. He got up swiftly and lifted up the concrete and metal crushing Charles. You looked to see Hank help him up. Erik looked at you before looking at Charles.

"If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that."

"I know." Charles answered with a small smile.

"Goodbye old friend." Erik said.

"Goodbye Erik." Charles said before looking at you. Erik turned around and you looked at each other. Finally you said;

"I'll see you at home."

He smiled and you could see he was near tears of happiness. He nodded before flying up into air, off in the direction of home.

You teleported to Charles and Hank and helped Hank hold Charles. Charles looked up and smiled. You followed his line of sight to see Raven looking at the three of you before slipping away.

"You sure you should let them go?" Hank asked.

"Yes, I have hope for them. There's going to be a time, Hank, when we are all together." He smiled at you and you kissed his cheek.

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now