Part 18

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There was silence in the room. You were gripping the armrest till your palms sweated.

"I should go." Erik spoke quietly.

There was a thump of Charles pushing Erik into the wall.

"What the fuck do you mean? What daughter?" Charles growled. When he was met with silence you heard the sound of his fist hitting Erik. Your jaw clenched up. Charles raised his voice. "What daughter?!"

"Charles-" Erik spoke his first name for the first time in years. He was shut up with another punch.

"WHAT DAUGHTER?! WHO'S!" Charles shouted. You clapped your hands to your mouth to stop from sobbing. The pain in his voice was too much. "ANSWER ME DAMMIT!"

"Your daughter Charles. Kate lost her six months in." Erik said sorrowfully.

A hand rested on your cheek. You looked up to see Logan. He was looking at you sadly. How he had crept up so silently for such a big man was a mystery.

"Come on. Let them talk." he said and helped you get up out of the chair. You leaned on him for support as he led you to the library.

He helped you down into the chair. "There you go. Are you feeling better? Away from all the hullabaloo?"

You sighed nestling into the chair. "Yes, much better." You drew your knees up to your chest to cover the exposed skin.

Logan got up out of his chair and took off his jacket. He handed it over to you.

"Thanks." You watched him carefully as he sat himself down on a stool. "What were you doing downstairs?"

He chuckled. "I heard Charles leave his room so I followed, just to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid and then Erik was already there in the kitchen. So I decided to stay and watch to make sure he wouldn't gut Charles."

You laughed. "Thank you for that too." You chewed your lip in thought. "So you saw me come downstairs?" He nodded. "And you heard everything?"

There was a slight pause before he nodded again. You nodded in return.

"I never told you about Joy did I?" you asked him.

Logan sighed. He took out a cigar and lit it. "You'd hinted about it. But I never knew that it was Charles's."

"Well she was. Which is a miracle itself since it's so hard to get pregnant from a paraplegic. But I was." you smiled at him sadly.

"I was pregnant and heartbroken. Erik helped me. But I lost her. Erik was gone because of the president's assassination so I'd depended on her for bringing me back to life. She was supposed to be my happiness, my Joy. And I lost her."

Logan handed you the cigar. He gently held your hand as you took it.  Gladly you took a quick puff before handing it back to him.

You watched him as he puffed away at it. There was a feeling that you knew him. That you knew him so very well.

"How close are we in the future? What relationship do we have?" you asked.

He got up and moved seats, sitting down next to you instead. "I've got a little something in the jacket. Left inner." You did as he instructed, pulling out a metal flask. You watched as he gulped down almost half of it.

"You could say that we have an interesting enough relationship. I don't want to spoil it for you." he said handing the flask to you with a wink.

You took a sip and choked in shock. "Gosh what is that?"

He chuckled again. "Strong liquor can be handled only by the strong." He replied.

"Well then it seems I'm not as strong as I thought I was or in this case, use to be." you said handing it back to him. "Can't you tell me something  about the future? It wouldn't hurt."

He looked out the window doubtfully. He then looked back at you, looking at him with your doe eyes. "Fine, the professor didn't forbid it when I left. Though there's a limit. You get three questions. So what do you want to hear first?"


Date : Sunday, 25 April, 2021

Word count : 712

DRAMAAAAAAAAAA! Sorry for the short chapter! Next week is a longer chapter for sure!

C. Riverbend 

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now