Part 17

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"Did you have to let them stay the night?"

You turned around and glared Erik. Except he didn't see it. He was staring off into space, huddled under the blanket over his head with his knees drawn up to his chest. He looked like he was sheltering himself in a too small cave. To top that off he was chewing his fingernails. Again.

Ever since you'd been with him you'd found out some things about him including his habit of chewing his fingernails. He only did it when he was alone. You'd never seen him do it in public.

"Erik." you tried to remind him of his bad habit. "Hand."

"What it's true! You didn't have to actually tell them they could stay the night." he mumbled out, still chewing off his pinkie finger's nail.

You sighed and flopped onto the bed. He didn't even glance at you. Giggling, you swatted his hand away from his mouth.

He paused, almost like a statue and scowled at your hand. After awhile he did it at his own hand, still suspended in midair.

"I'm never getting rid of this fucking tedious habit."

You grinned at him. "You look like a girl inspecting her nails while hiding from a stalker."

Next thing, you got a face full of blanket. Sputtering you pushed it away. Erik grinned at the ceiling, his head resting on his arms, with his shirt riding up.

You grinned, poking him where the skin was exposed. Another thing you learned about him. Erik was super ticklish.

"Ach!" he managed to squawk out. "Frau, du wirst mich noch umbringen." (You are going to be the death of me woman.) he mumbled to himself but you heard.

Pouting, you poked him again. "Nimm das zurück. (take that back)" you warned him.

"Aah! Ach! Ich hätte dir nicht Deutsch beibringen sollen. (I shouldn't have taught you German.)" he grumbled.

You got off the bed to change into your night gown, a smile on your face. You could sense Erik's eyes watching as you slipped out over your head.

"You never told me you had a brother." he said. There seemed to be some disappointment in his voice.

You reached for the comb. "I just never could bring myself to talk about it."

The scent of peppermint candy wafted over you. You watched as the hand came over your shoulder and the comb was taken from your grasp. You sat down in front of the mirror.

His reflection smiled at you. Gently, he began to brush your hair.

"I guess I shouldn't be angry, since I barely ever tell you anything about all the wicked things in my life I've done. I almost feel certain I don't deserve to go to heaven." He gave a soft chuckle.

You turned around and held his hands in yours.

"Don't say things like that. At least you told me them. I've never uttered a word about my past and yet you trust me. Thank you, truly."

He turned his hands around so he was holding yours. Smiling, he kissed them.

"My pleasure. You can always count on me, if not as a lover then a friend."

You grinned at him before giving him a swift kiss. After that, you headed for the door. Except when you turned the door knob, it wouldn't open.

"Now where do you think you're going dressed like that?"

You rolled your eyes. The dress was a long, white, nightie that reached the floor and would have been alright to go downstairs in apart from the deep v-line and the spaghetti strap shoulders.

"I can just teleport there quickly, get the pills and and come back. No one would see." you huffed.

"No. No teleporting. I'll get them. Just stay here." he said, reaching for his navy blue robe.

You sat down on the bed and watched as he quickly put it on. Soon he slipped outside.

Waiting, you picked up the book you were currently rereading. Just as you read the first sentence, you heard raised voices in the kitchen.

Quickly, you got out of bed and out the room. You tiptoed down the stairs, avoiding the creaky steps.

"What do you mean my fault?! It's entirely yours!" Erik's familiar cool voice was on the verge of furious.

You peaked around the wall, and were not surprised at all to see Charles standing in front of Erik, red in the face, a full bottle of whisky in hand.

"Yes, it was entirely your fault! My whole life has gone to shit because of you. You stole my sister, my fiance, my legs, my entire life! I wish I'd just let you drown that day! It's all because of you she left me! And now she's sleeping in your arms when she should have been in mine from the first place!"

You sat down in the seat nearby in the dark corridor, listening to them. Your heart wrenched with every word they threw at each other. Watching the people you love argue only upset you more.

"Charles, I'm warning you. She left you, not because of love for me, but because of fear for you. You traumatised her! You abused her when all she gave you was love!"

Charles interrupted him. "Don't give me any of that shit, I've heard it all from Hank."

"You've heard it but have you listened?!" Erik's sentence ended in a growl. "She was broken when we met her and you managed to fix her, to piece her back together. But what you did when you left her, shattered her. She's not the same and will never be the same because of you and I fucking hate you for it."

"Sooooooo, what are those pills for? Hmm? Who's medication is that? Yours? I don't think so. You didn't have it right away. I can only assume it's Ka-"

There was the sound of glass smashing onto the floor as from what you heard was Erik launching himself at Charles.

You winced at the sound of tables and chairs turning over, glass breaking and and grunts and groans of pain as they fought.

You heard the sound of wood breaking as Erik smashed Charles into what you believed to be the coffee table.

You wanted to intervene but perhaps it would be better for them to figure it out themselves.

They continued to speak, it was quieter but you still heard.

"Don't say her name! You're not worthy of it!" Erik hissed.

"I can say whatever I wish, you stuck-up prick."

You heard Charles push Erik off of him and his footsteps as he walked away from Erik.

"She has been through too much Xavier. She lost you, her family, brother, daughter, me when I was taken away for the assassination and her life one too many times. Don't come into her life just to destroy it again."

"W-wait." Charles stuttered. "Did you say daughter?"


Date: Sunday, 18 April, 2021

Word count : 1,158


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C. Riverbend

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now