Part 34

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Beside you, you heard Logan draw a sharp breath. You looked at him to see the fold between his eyebrows. Other than that his face was expressionless. You took his hand and he gripped it tightly.

"I have her!" Charles suddenly said. He pointed to your left. "There, see? Secret Service man, left of the stage. Go!"

"Got it." Logan said moving in the direction Charles pointed. Hank followed him. You were about to go too but Hank turned around and you could see from the look on his face he wanted you to stay with Charles.

You looked at the he Sentinels, the creations that would one day wipe out all of mutants kind. As you were looking at them you saw the two yellow eyes light up.

"Charles?" You asked.

"It's probably just a demonstration." Charles said, waving you off, still concentrating on Raven.

The Sentinels rose up into the air, creating a formation. You looked at Logan, making his way to the front. You looked back at them, there was something off. The way they were flying into the air felt wrong. You watched as one of the Sentinels suddenly

pointed his gun at a car.

"No!" The scream left your lips as you ran forward, throwing your hands out and making a portal as the bullets hit the car. Some of the bullets you caught and fired them back at the Sentinel. The bullets ricochet into the sky.

The people were screaming and running all around you. A Sentinel aimed at a group of people next to. Using the blood manipulation you pulled them out of the way. The bullets hit a police car and exploded. You made a portal, shielding the people from the explosion. You made two large portals next to you leading to the streets.

"Go through. Quickly!" You said at the gawping people. "Yes, I'm a mutant and if you don't want to die, go through the fucking portals!"

They ran through out the other side. You looked at one little boy with his mother and you saw her mouth the words 'Thank you' just as you shut the portals.

Above you, you heard the creaking sound that was all too familiar. The creak of metal. You looked up to see a huge ring the size of a stadium. It took you a moment before assessing that it was a stadium.

"ERIK!" You heard Charles shout. Your gut twisted. Of course.

Off in the distance you could see little dots of people running into the White House. One of them was limping.

"CHARLES!" You heard someone scream. You turned around to see a huge piece of the stadium fall down and crush Charles.

"Charlie!" You screamed but the sound of the stadium crashing down was louder. You lost balance as the ground shook. A shadow hovered over you. You looked up to see the Sentinels flying down and landing in front of you. Right in the middle, a man landed down with them. He wore his dark maroon cape and his helmet was back.

You were about to shout his name when a Sentinel shot at you. You rolled out of the way and teleported into midair above the Sentinel. You fell onto the head and made a big heavy rod with dark matter and pushed it into the head. It stuttered before stopping and falling down. You teleported away quickly and fell onto the grass near Erik. Exhausted with no more energy you got up and used all your strength to call to him.


He stopped and turned around.


He ran to you and helped you up. You grabbed his arm "Erik stop! Please, this isn't how we deal with problems! It'll only lead to more!"

"Don't try to stop me Kate." He ordered. "I won't hurt you. You know that."

He looked behind you making you look over shoulder to see Logan running towards you both.

A huge block of broken concrete was thrown at him. He swatted it away, one after the other.

"Erik don't!" You pleaded with him. "Please! Please stop!" You screamed at him. His face was emotionless the way it always was when he wore the helmet. This was Magneto, not Erik.

You limped and ran toward Logan. A piece of concrete with metal bars sticking out all over it was thrown at him from behind, impaling him. He fell onto the ground crying in pain. You reached him and started to help him up but he fell again, nerves sticking out of his face from pain. The metal bars were snaking themselves up all over his body and stabbing and twisting into him. The tears fell from your eyes.

"ERIK STOP!" You screamed at him.

"I-I'll f-find you. I swear." You looked back at Logan, as he gasped with pain.

"I know. I'll wait." You sobbed, holding his face in your hands. He cried out as you felt him slip out of your fingers. Logan looked at you, tears in his eyes as he was levitated up into the air, the metal rods sticking out of his chest. He shouted in pain, not once taking his eyes off you.

You saw him whisper the words with pain. "I love you."

"LOGAN!" You cried out as he was hurtled away into the sky. His scream echoed out. And then he was gone.

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now