Part 9

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Wally let out a squeal as Logan grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pinned him to the wall. He let out another squeal as Logan's claws shot out and were pointed in his face.

"I don't give a fucking shit who you are! Where's Erik?"


Logan forced Wally into the car. Hank was sitting in the drivers seat. His mouth fell open and his eyes bulged at the dark little man.

"DRIVE!" Logan bellowed once everyone was in the car. Hank stepped on the gas and the car skidded out of the parking spot.

"Where's Erik? And who's he?" Hank asked, trying not to go over the speed limit.

"Yeah I'd like to know myself. Who are you and why are you there instead of Erik?" Charles snapped.

Wally cleared his throat and folded his hands in his lap. "I'll tell you if you promise not to hand me in."

"We just broke you out of the Pentagon. If we handed you in we'd be arrested as well. Now tell us!" Logan growled, his claws sliding out in anger.

"Fuck, alright! Calm down! Geez. Well, I'm Wally, as I've said. I'm a shape shifter and I was in there because I owe Mr. Lensherr. He helped me out of a bad spot. Is that enouGHHH!"

He shouted miss word as Hank turned a sharp corner.

"So you're in there because of a favor? That's fucked up." Peter said, as he chewed on a candy calmly.

"Actually, I practically begged him to let me take his place. He was in there for a year and then I took his place. There were some, uh, people after me and it was safer down there. Anyway my family's better off now and I'm now free. Did Mr. Lensherr send you?"

The car squealed to a stop as Hank hit the brakes in front of a diner.

"No, we were going to break him out. Do you know where he is?" Charles asked.

Wally shook his head. "I haven't seen Mr. Lensherr since I went down there. He just thanked me and promised my family would be safe. That was the last I saw of him."

Charles groaned and leaned back in his seat, wedged between Wally and Peter.

"Great, so we're now at a total dead end. At least before we knew where he was, now we don't know where he is at all! Did good future Erik happen to mention any of this to you Logan? Logan?"

Charles repeated the name. Logan was staring off into nothing. His face was intense and rigid.



Logan took a deep breath. He was about to travel back in time. Just thinking it sounded weird. He took another deep breath.

A firm hand clapped on his shoulder. He turned around.

Erik took his hand off and put both hands behind his back. He stood tall and straight. When his voice came out it was it's usual drawling baritone.

"Logan, I must speak to you."

"You are right now much to my detriment." Logan snarled.

"Stop being childish. We're in a war not a nursery." Erik snapped back.

"This is an important matter Logan, so listen carefully. If when you get there and things take a sudden turn, and everything seems at a dead end, you have to go to these coordinates."

And he rattled off a series of numbers.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Logan asked.

"Hopefully, nothing. But you have to memorize them Logan, just in case. Our lives may depend upon it. But I pray that you won't have to ever go there."

"And what is there? Why go if I shouldn't?

" Because there you will find answers."

And Erik turned away with a swish of his cloak, leaving Logan's last question unanswered.


"Hank, what do these numbers mean to you?" Logan asked and told him the numbers.

"Well," Hank answered confidently. "they sound like air coordinates to me."

"Charles, please tell me you have a plane?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What airstrip?" Charles opened his mouth to protest. "WHAT AIRSTRIP!" 

Charles shrank back in his seat and mumbled the name of the airfield. Logan turned to Hank.

"Get us there, now."


Date - Sunday, 14 March, 2021
Word count - 707

Just started watching WandaVision! Binged watched the first three episodes in a row! I love them! I love Vision! I love Wanda! I love Vision more! (yes, I'm a Marvel fan)

Promise, next week two parts!

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C. Riverbend

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now