Part 26

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The tears threatened to spill out as you watched him go. Could you still call him to come back or was it too late?

"RRROOAARRRGGH!" you turned around, having completely forgotten about Hank. He was thrashing about, trying to get out of his bonds.

"Hank! Sweetie I'm so sorry!" you stuttered out, jumping into the water, hands stretched out to him. You noticed that they were both shaking.

You grabbed his arm and teleported back to the room where Charles and Logan were. Hopefully Logan was doing better.

You landed with a thump while Hank's heavy body landed with a THUMP.

"Kate! My dear, are you alright?" Charles asked, falling to his knees and grabbing you by the shoulders. "Did he get Raven? Is she okay?"

"I'm sure she's fine." Hank responded, his voice an angry growl. You flinched at his tone. Hank rarely got angry.

"And Erik? Tell me you got the bastard." Charles said to Hank. You only looked at your shaking hands in your lap.

"She let him go." Hank spat out angrily.

"What?!" Charles thundered right in front of you making you flinch. "You let the fucking lunatic who tried to kill my sister go scot free? How the fuck could you do that? He was..." His voice trailed off when he saw the silent tears running down your neck from your cheeks.

"Charles let her go." Logan said, before you felt Charles letting go of his tight grip from your shoulder. There was a hint of pity in his voice. At least it was good to know that Logan was back.

"I-I don't understand." Charles stuttered out.

"You didn't just let him go, you-you let him go." Hank said sorrowfully, his voice coming back to normal. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It was for the best. I just don't know what to tell the boys." You could feel yourself starting to hyperventilate. But you decided to just let it out.

"I don't know what the fuck I was thinking! What do I say when I get home? Oh, hi kids! I'm still alive, I don't know where the fuck your dad is cause I told him to leave us and he's probably never coming back! Oh yeah! Also, we're all gonna die in the future cause there's this little dwarf guy and he's making these huge giant robots that are gonna wipe out all mutant kind to fucking ashes! And it's going to be in our time cause that big tough looking guy that came by is from the future and he says I'm gonna die during this 'huge apocalyptic war'! So I'm sorry but your dad is gone and there's nothing I can fucking do about it!"

All the while that you had been talking your words had started to cram up together while your hands flew about so by the time your sentence ended you were hysterically crying and hyperventilating.

"Kate, Kate! Honey, listen to me!" you could hear Logan's voice but it sounded like it was coming from the end of a tunnel. You could see his face but it wasn't clear. "Pull yourself together! Take a deep breath."

Involuntarily, you took a deep breath but it got stuck in your chest making you cough and then sob again.

"It's gonna be okay, okay? I'm right here." his voice started to fade off as you felt the familiar feeling of blacking out.

"It's alright," you heard him say before you blacked out. "We're going home."


The tall lone figure paced the room, his mind a muddled mess. The look on her face played over and over in his mind like a broken record. That one word she had said, so easily ripped his heart to shreds.


He sat back down onto the bed, exhausted from thinking. His hunched back and tear streaked face were all the signs of a man who had lost everything. His wife, his children, his entire life had gone down the drain. Just because he had messed up.


He groaned as he flopped down. The sentinel plans were next to him and he looked at them out of the corner of his eye.

If he went through with what he was about to do, then he would be disconnecting himself from them absolutely. But he would also be assuring a safe future for his boys. Even if they would never be his biological children, they were his boys, his children. And he loved them. And their mother. Oh god, how he loved her.

But she would understand. She understood him even more than he understood himself. She knew him. She was the only person in his entire life who truly knew him.

He sighed, getting up. But when he stood up he was no longer the same. Now, he had purpose. He stood straight and walked to the television. It was blasting out the news about Raven. He watched as he saw a scientist scoop up the little puddle of blood on the sidewalk.

He turned off the screen with his powers and walked away to the window. He stood there stiffly with his hands behind his back for some time. Finally, he moved.

He put his hands in front of him. He stared at the gold band on his finger. He smiled thinking about the little wedding they had had in the little church in the middle of nowhere. With that happy memory in mind, he took it off of his left hand. He smiled, kissing it tenderly before sliding it onto a metal chain he had made.

He slipped it over his head and tucked it inside his shirt where it rested against his skin. It rested where she had once rested. Over his heart where she used to lay her head.

"Why do we bother to shed tears when the entire reason it hurts is because of ourselves?" He whispered the words she had once told him.

And yet despite those words, a stray tear ran down Erik's face.


Date : Sunday, 13 June, 2021

Words count: 1013

I'm not going to be doing my q/a yet. There aren't enough questions. I'm thinking more than ten. 🤷‍♀️ I think I'll publish the q/a when the book's done. So I'm going to have to wait for more questions. Please continue to ask questions!

Love u guys. ❤️ 

C. Riverbend 

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now