Part 23

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You watched Charles go with a worried heart. You'd just got through to him but that look on his face showed he wasn't pleased. Not pleased at all.

"Liebling are you alright?" Erik asked you, regret already starting to show on his face. You nodded giving him a smile.

"I'm alright now." you tried to say or casually but your voice shook on the end.

Erik sighed, palming his face with a big sigh.

"I always fuck things up." he groaned.

"I'll toast to that." Logan said, picking up a cracked champagne flute and a can of beer from the floor covered in glass. "So, you were always an asshole."

You glared at Logan for speaking that way but he only smirked. He put down the beer and glass and lighted a cigar.

"I take it we're best buddies in the future." Erik said, straightening up. His voice dripped with sarcasm.

Logan put the cigar in his mouth and opened up the beer can. "I spent a lot of years trying to bring you down..." he stopped and saluted him with the glass. "Bub."

"How does that work out for you?" Erik asked, while you snatched the champagne flute filled with beer from his grasp.

"You're like me. You're a survivor." Erik turned around and looked at Logan but caught sight of you downing your first beer in years making his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Do you wanna pick that shit up?"

You gave Logan a sharp look as he grinned, drinking the beer from the can. He handed you the cigar in the process.

"Keep it. It tastes like shit anyway." You spat at him before stooping down to pick up the plates.

Logan blinked at you for a few seconds before drinking down the beer guiltily. As you picked up the mess, a hand reached around you to help. You quickly stood up making Erik stumble back. You could see Charles coming out of the cockpit which you ignored.

You glowered at Erik. "I'll do it. Isn't that why I'm here? For me to clean up your shit?"

"Kat-" Erik started but you stopped him.

"Cause it sure does always seem like that." You hissed.

The whole plane went silent as you cleaned up the mess.


The clink of the final fork was music to your ears as you put it the drawer.

"I'm sorry." you turned around to see Erik with his hands in his pockets leaning against the lavatory door.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have said that." you said, shutting up the cupboards.

"But we both know it's true. Everytime I mess up you're always the one that has to face the consequences." he frowned.

"How about right now you go and make up with Charles. You scared the fuck out of me but I'm used to it so how do you think he feels?" you said, rifling around through the shelves.

"Like he deserves it?" he smiled at the piercing look you gave him.

"How about a game of chess? Like old times?" you said, pushing the finally found chess set into his chest.

He took it and a small smile made its way to his lips.

"Yeah, maybe. It'd be nice to play with someone I can actually beat."

You laughed. Ever since he'd taught the triplets to play they'd turned out to be chess prodigies and he'd never won a single game after that.

Erik smiled once more at you and walked over to Charles.

"Fancy a game? It's been a while." you took the seat in front of Logan.

"I'm not in the mood for games, thank you." Charles said bitterly.

You grinned at Logan as he shook his head at their childish spat. You watched as Erik made himself a drink.

"I haven't had a real slip in ten years. She doesn't let me. Not after what it did to you." he took a sip from his drink and sighed with content. "I didn't kill the president."

"The bullet curved, Erik." Charles huffed.

"Because I was trying to save him. They took me out before I could."

"Charles, it's true." you said, leaning around in your seat. "I was there. I saw it."

"What!" Erik hissed turning around to look at you. "What the fuck were you doing there?! I told you to stay home! You were pregnant!"

"That's not the point." you snapped at him. "The point is you have a witness and that witness is me saying you didn't kill him."

"Why would you try and save him?" Charles asked, looking at Erik suspiciously.

Erik sighed. "Because he was one of us."

Charles's previous face which was filled with disgust slipped to astonishment. He cleared his throat to hide his surprise.

"JFK was a mutant?" Logan asked you, his eyes wide with shock.

You nodded. "Or so Erik says. Anyways I believe him. He wouldn't have gone out of his own way to save a non homo superior."

"Hmm." Logan hummed his agreement.

You sat looking at each other in silence with the occasional faint mumbling from Charles and Erik's conversation.

"What will happen after we stop Raven?" you asked.

"I guess everything wrong will be righted." he said, scratching at his chin.

"And what about you?" you tried to hide the uneasiness in your voice.

His expression softened at your concern. "I don't know." he said honestly.

You bit your lip worriedly, looking at the ring on your finger.

"Why? Do you want me to go? Because if you don't want me to, I'll try and stay if I can." he said, smiling softly.

Behind you, you heard the conversation end. You peeked behind your headrest to look at the two of them but mainly to avoid looking at Logan for the moment.

You watched as Charles set down his glass and rubbed his hands together.

"It's been a while since I've played." he stated making you smile.

"I'll go easy on you. Might finally be a fair fight." you rolled your eyes, practically hearing the smirk in his voice. Charles saw your face and hid his laugh through a cough. Erik looked up at him.

"You have the first move." Charles said, picking up his drink again.

Erik looked back down at the board and after a moments thought, moved a piece using his power.

"All is well." Logan said, seeing the grin on your face as you snuggled into the chair.

"But how long will it last?" you mumbled to yourself before falling asleep.


Word count: 1092

Date: Sunday, 23 May, 2021

Here's the other part! Enjoy!

Please, please, pretty please comment and vote! Thanx! 

C. Riverbend 

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now