Part 22

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"Henry, my good old chap. We didn't really talk much yesterday did we." you said, ruffling his hair and trying not to look out the window.

"Yeah. I'm surprised to see you here. Have you gotten over your fear of heights?"

"No, but I've made improvements. I can take it however high as long as I know I'll survive if I fall." you said proudly.

He gave a breathy uncertain laugh. "O-okay. Any new mutations?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah! Illusions is one but the other is controlling bubbles! Can you believe it! Out of all the shitty mutations I could have gotten I got bubbles! Though the kids really liked it when they were young." You said, grinning at the happy memories of Erik blowing bubbles while you controlled them to let the little four year old boys chase them around.

"Can I see the illusions?" Hank asked, snapping you back to reality.

"Sure, here." you snapped your finger, making the seat next to you become covered in vines. Butterflies and roses started popping out from it.

One butterfly flew onto Hank's glasses making him grin. But when he put his hand out to touch it, you made it turn to water. It slipped through his fingers and just as it dripped onto his pants the illusion disappeared.

"That was really cool. How'd you get it?" he asked, mesmerized.

"By throwing myself off a cliff." you said blankly. It had been a depressing two days after losing Joy.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry. I forgot." he groaned, flipping some buttons.

"It's okay sweetie." you said sitting down, totally forgetting about the height. "Anyways Erik doesn't like me using my mutations. It gets me tired really easily nowadays. I'm also taking medication to help with it." You said honestly.

"When this is all done we can go back to the mansion and I'll give you a checkup."

"That is if Erik allows it." you sighed.

"Sooooooo, you're Mrs. Lensherr now?" he said smirking at the name.

"No! Erik and I got married in a quick church service and we didn't sign any legal papers." you said quickly, cringing at the way he had said it.

"By the way, is Buchanan really your real name? Your name doesn't come up in the system."

"How'd you know it's not on the system?"

He merely shrugged. "So it's not your real name?" he said avoiding the question.

"No. I don't remember my real last name so I took it from a friend. Technically I took his middle name. He was supposed to catch me and take me for experiments but he didn't. He helped me out for a long time. We became good friends. The last time I met him he tried to kill me. It was like he'd totally forgotten who I was. I never saw him again." you sighed. "He had the loveliest hair."

Hack choked on his saliva.

"Sh- *cough* Should you really be leaving *cough* Charles alone *cough* with Erik?" he asked craning his neck to look back. You looked too. Erik was sitting across from him.

"They need to talk. By the way, how did you get rid of the blue fur? Waxing?" you smiled at his face filled with innocent confusion. "Did you perfect that serum?"

"I did. It's the same thing that Charles uses to make him walk again. The difference is I use it as a cure but he uses it as a drug. He's addicted to it."

Just as he finished off the sentence, you heard a kerfuffle behind you.

You turned around to see Charles on his feet, gripping onto the front of Erik's shirt. Erik stood there, his face impassive.


"Angel." Erik said in his clear cut voice.

"Oh no." you gasped. You struggled out of your seat.

"Azazel." you could feel the plane rocking slightly. You gripped onto the cockpit doorway.

"Emma." The plane began to rock violently.  You could feel your grip tighten automatically.

"Banshee." The plane now tilted on an angle. Teleporting to Erik, you missed him by a few inches stumbling only to be caught by Logan's outstretched hand.

"Mutant brothers and sisters, all dead!" The plane was creaking violently as you could feel Erik's wrathful grip on it.

"Countless others experimented on, butchered!" The whole thing was now on a ninety degree angle, champagne glasses and plates  shattered onto the floor. Logan held onto your wrist tightly as you tried to not fall.

"Erik!" Hank shouted from the cockpit, the poor boy trying to keep the plane flying.

"WHERE WERE YOU, CHARLES?! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THEM!" The nose of the plane dipped down fast, making everything, including Charles, you, and the things on the floor to slide down due to the gravitational force. Logan held onto you, as you kept yourself standing on the back of the seats head's.

"WHERE WERE YOU WHEN YOUR OWN PEOPLE NEEDED YOU?! HIDING! YOU AND HANK! PRETENDING TO BE SOMETHING YOU'RE NOT!" Erik shouted, the only thing in the whole plane that was still upright. You could tell from his voice that he was close to tears.

You shut your eyes seeing the deep blue from the cockpit meaning the plane was on point vertical.

"Erik!" Hank called again.

"Erik, please stop." you said, your voice clearly shaking with fear.

"You abandoned us all!" Erik said, his voice breaking as the plane started to level again. It creaked a little more before as it shifted back and undented.

You pulled yourself up from a kneeling position. Logan's face that had been etched with fear and surprise moments before was now relieved.

"You 'kay?" he asked. You could only nod to reply. You slipped your hand from his grasp. You mouthed a thank you to him before turning around to look at Charles.

Charles was sprawled out on the seats panting, his eyes filled with sadness and hurt. He looked at Erik and then at you over Erik's shoulder before getting up and leaving to sit next to Hank.


Word count: 1026

Date : Saturday, 22 May, 2021

Here's an update that's not on Sunday!  I might not be able to post tomorrow but if I can I will! 

And thanks to all of the comments and votes! They really keep me going! Especially the comments! I love them soooooo much! Thank you!

C. Riverbend 

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now