Something Special

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Niall's POV: 

*After tour*

The past few days I had been thinking about asking Stella to marry me, it was a long short that she would say yes but I just can't stop myself from looking at engagement rings for her. This feeling has been driving me crazy, the feeling of wanting to do something but not being able to do this. I love Stella more than nandos and I know she will say yes but will she says if it was so sudden and out of nowhere? 

I looked at the rings on display with Louis beside me, I had told all the boys this but of all of them. Knew Louis would be the only person I'd take ring shopping because he knew Stella the best and or the longest. I knew that he would help. 

"Which one looks the best?" He asked 

"I think that one there" I pointed to what I thought was the most beautiful ring there. It had a decent sized diamond with the most beautiful silver ring and pattern. 

"I liked that one too"

"Should I buy it?" I asked 

'After looking at rings all morning and finding the most beautiful one, yeah I think you should buy it!"

After we bought the rings the only thing that was left to do was to find a smart way to propose to her but after Louis and Harry's wedding, that was in a week on September 28th. 

"Can I tell you something?" Louis said as he drove us home 

"Yeah what's it?" I asked him

"I can't wait to array H!" 

"I can't wait for it, I knew true love started when green eyes met blue"

"Hey! I've read that fanfiction" he says 

*next chapter Niall will be proposing, and I'm ending this fict pretty soon thanks for the love guys!*

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