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"So what are we gunna do for Louis' birthday?" Harry asks all of us [louis' fam, me, Eleanor, the boys]

"I don't know but he always plans the best parties for us" I say shrugging

"Correction, he plans the best parties for you not us" Liam says as everyone else agrees

"We could have it at the treehouse ?" Phoebe says

"Yeah that's true, and maybe we could drive him there in his first car?" My mom says

"Where is it though" Zayn asks

"It's in the garage" Charlotte says

"So it would be like a day of reliving memories" I ask

"Yeah I guess that would be fun"

We all planned out how we were going to surprise Louis, it seemed awesome. But Louis has been acting weird lately and that's coming from me. I can tell when Louis is hiding something or when he's acting suspicious.

*the next day*

"Ok so Zayn you'll be distracting Louis till the rest of us set us the car and the treehouse" I tell Zayn

"And Niall will get the car fixed and wait for us at the lake" I say

"Then Niall will text me when he's there and then I'll text Zayn to get him to the lake" I instruct everyone

"And then I'll be waiting at the lake with Niall and the car, after that I'll drive the four of us to the treehouse, when everything is set up. So let's goo!" I say excitedly.

"Can you pass me the streamer?" I ask Fizzy

"Which one?"

"The blue one behind you"

I say as she passes me it.

After about two hours of setting up the place I get a text from Niall saying he's at the lake.

"Ok guys, Niall got the car done Zayn said he'll be at the lake in 20 minutes so I'll be headed out, you guys should hide" I say as I climb down the treehouse and walk to the lake, I couldn't help but be more excited about this, it gives me this feeling like when I was 7 again. As I passes by trees, cars people, I finally got to the lake and saw Niall with Lou's first car, it looked just like it did when I saw it for the first time. I walked toward the car and Niall of course.

"Damn that looks as if it were new" I say

"I know right"Niall agrees

"That's Louis and Zayn" I tell Niall to sit in the backseat as I saw Lou approaching me and the car

"Wait is this?" Lou asks me and Zayn

"Yepppp your first car, now I'm going to drive you to a secret destination, close your eyes though" I say.

"SURPRISE" everyone yelled as we entered the treehouse

"Wouhhh" Louis says as he enters the treehouse as well

"This is amazing fankyew" Louis says [yes I said fankyew]

The rest of the day was fun we did regular party things. It was awesome

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