Part 1

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this story takes place during thor - the dark world, so thor won't be in this story till later :)

(Edited )


Steve pulls on my metal arm, actually trying to lift me off the sofa.

"c'mon buck, you haven't been outside in ages, let's go on a run".

I could see the concern in his eyes as he stared at me, still pulling on my arm like a child trying to get the attention of an adult. I just shook my head, got up from the sofa, and moved back to my room.

I was lying on the sofa bed. I hadn't bothered making my bed that morning because I knew I'd ruin it in an hour or so. To be honest, I didn't feel like myself after HYDRA. I was just lying there staring at the ceiling. The temperature in the room was just right, not too cold nor too hot. I just lay there for an hour or so, but I fall asleep. I lay soundless in my dreams, not a care in the world.


I open my sleepy eyes to the white ceiling of my low-rent apartment. From behind the bed, I could smell mold. I sigh and turn my gaze to my old clock on the damp wall. 

I grab my small backpack and my helmet. I race out to the alleyway behind my apartment and start-up my motorbike. I slip on my helmet and push off into the busy street.

I knew where I was heading, the tallest building in New York City, Stark tower. I always dreamed of working for Tony Stark but not in the way I am now. I was going to be a counselor for a new member of the Avengers I think. I wasn't given much detail on them, like why they need a private counselor. But this is the Avengers we are talking about so I couldn't pass up this job.

All I really know is that his name is Bucky Barnes. I've never heard of him before so I assumed he was a new Avenger.

Oh, how wrong I was.


I pulled up outside of the tall tower. I looked up in awe as the sunshine reflected against the glass. I put my bike into park and slid off of it taking my helmet off as I did. I looked around and saw several men staring at me as my ponytail blowing in the wind. I winked at them as a tease. I suddenly heard a laugh behind me. I turned to see Tony bloody stark leaning against the door of the building with another smaller man standing beside him, he looked nervously at me while Stark continued to laugh at me for teasing the boy from across the street.

I looked down in embarrassment. As I placed my helmet on the seat of my bike, then lifted my head to only make eye contact with Mr.stark.

" no need to be nervous Ms.Y/L/N" he smiled as he took a step closer to me. "I'm guessing you know who I am so no need for me to introduce myself, this is Dr.Banner or The Hulk as he is rather known as"

Dr.banner looked up from his fidgety hands and smiled as a hello. I just smiled back not wanting to make him nervous.

"Well anyway, it's getting cold "Tony blurted out sending the awkwardness around banner"shall we head inside Ms.Y/l/N " he smiled offering me his hand.

I smiled and took his hand, just then a small chubby man took my bike into a small hidden garage at the side of the building. Tony lead me into the lobby with Dr.Banner following inside. We stepped into an elevator, I looked around in awe. Even the elevator was so modern. Tony pressed the 45th-floor button and I looked around a bit more not wanting to make eye contact.

Once we got to the floor Everyone was already standing at the elevator door waiting to meet me. The door opened to a bunch of eyes staring at me. I rubbed my arm in nervousness at the number of people looking at me.

"Alright, alright don't scare her off, she just got here for heaven's sake" A loud voice came from behind everyone. He pushed everyone out of the way so I could step out of the elevator.

"well hello there Ms.Y/L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Steve rogers better known as Captain America" he greeted with a large smile on his face. A small bit on his blonde hair hung on his forehead.

I giggled and shook his hand. " Just call me Y/N and the pleasure is all mine captain".Everyone was still staring at me in awe.

"anyways, hello Y/N I'm Natasha," a slim woman with curly red hair said from behind Steve pushing him away from me so she could see me better.

"nice to meet you Natasha" I smiled back at her. Tony showed me over to the sofa after everyone introduced themselves, well almost everyone. After about an hour of getting to know everyone, Steve stood up.

"well I'm guessing you would like to meet your patient Ms.Y/n," he said looking me straight in the eye as he stood up.

"ah yes that would be lovely" I smiled back breaking the eye contact.

"Alright so ill go get him" with that steve made his way down the hall and into a room on the left side. Everyone continued to talk about missions and the ways the others messed them up making me laugh now and again .Just a while later a tall muscular guy with brown hair that covered his eyes stepped out of the room with Steve. He walked holding his shiny metal arm with his other arm. He kept his head down obviously trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. Steve gestured for him to sit across from me and to introduce himself. He just glazed up from behind his hair and quickly looked back down.

Steve sighed and shook his head at the man.

"Alright then, Y/N this is James or bucky as we call him"Steve smiled at bucky as he said this rubbing his shoulder in reasurence.

"Well it's nice to meet you Bucky" I smiled at him, I closed my eyes so I did so not catching his small smile behind his hair as he heard me say his name." well we can start our sessions tomorrow if that's alright with you" I replied still smiling but my eyes were open and glaring at his face covered by his hair. He nodded in reply.

"Alright then, ill be on my way, it was nice meeting you all!"I smiled as I got up to head for the door. I was about to touch the elevator button when Tonys' voice stopped me.

"id like if you stayed here Y/N, we don't want you being attacked by anyone knowing you work here now"

" ah yes, understandable Mr.Stark" I walked back over to the sofa and stood behind Bucky, I saw as he tensed up as I put my hands on the back on the sofa.

"ill show you your room Y/N," nat said as she stood up moving her hand in a gesture to follow her. I let go of the sofa and Bucky eased up. I followed nat to the room just across from bucks. Nat handed me the key and I opened the door.

The room was very modern , it had a big bed with different shades of blue. A small white fireplace and curtains against the window overlooking the huge city.IT was amazing, so much better than my shitty apartment down the street.

"well?" nat said looking a bit nervous.

"it's amazing thank you " I smiled back at her, she smiled and walked back into the sitting room. I walked into the room and set down my backpack and laid down on the  bed. I fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

(this is the bedroom)

(this is the bedroom)

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Mr.Barnes ( bucky x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now