Please Forgive Me

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"Hyuung..." Seungri called.
"You! You make me became like this! Why Seungri? Why... I love you but why are you so mean?" Said Jiyong with trembling voice.
"Hyung... Im sorry... I-" seungri got cut.
"I hate you seungriyah!!! I dont wanna to see you when I can see again!! Go away!!" Suddenly Jiyong hold his chest and seem hard to breath.
"Jiyong... Calm down Ji..." Said TOP while helping Jiyong to laying back at the bed.

Youngbae grab Seungri's hand and bring him out of the room.

"Look, are you feel happy?"
"Hyung... I can explain hyung..."
"What? Look at my bestfriend Ri... He is blind because of you!"

Seungri gulp his saliva before he hold Youngbae's hands then he kneeling down and look at Youngbae deeply.

"Hyung let me to take care Jiyong hyung..." Said Seungri slowly.
"Are you sure?"
"Ne hyung... I promise I will take care of him..."
"Ok... But promise me dont hurt him... If I see any injured on his body I will kill you!"
"I promise to take care of him well hyung..."
"Okay, I will let you to take care of him but remember Seungri.." Seungri look at Youngbae curiously.
"What hyung?"
"If I see any wound on Jiyong's body or if I know you hurt him with your words I will take him away from you! And... You'll never can to see him again, how?"
"Okay hyung, I got it..."

Next day, Jiyong already discharged from the hospital. Seungri always in his side although Jiyong never want to speak with him, Seungri treat him very well. Jiyong easily got angry make Seungri feel so sad he saw the sadness on Jiyong's face everyday.

Today, Seungri comeback from the grocery store, he meet Youngbae at the living room look at him sharply.

"Hyung?" Said Seungri while smiling.
"Why are you go so long? Jiyong fall from his bed just now!" Said Youngbae with loud tone.
"Really hyung? Im sorry... The grocery store-"
"STOP! What reason again? Ri, whats wrong with you? You seem like you wanna destroy us?"
"Hyung... What are you talking about hyung?"
"You said you love Jiyong so much! But why you broke his heart? Now you arent broke his heart only but his life!"
"No hyung... I didnt mean to ruin his life... I have a reason..."
"What the reason? Will I believe you?"
"Actually.... Sajangnim...."


Suddenly them both heard Jiyong screaming from his room. Seungri immediately run towards Jiyong's room and his heart was breaking when he saw Jiyong curling up his body on the floor.

"Hyung??" Seungri shouted and trying to help Jiyong to wake up, but Jiyong push Seungri's body with his foot make Seungri step a back.
"Im useless!" Jiyong mumbling.
"Hyung... No hyung you are important..."
"I can do nothing even just wake up!"
"Hyung... Please... Listen to me..."
"Why should I listen to you bastard?" Jiyong shouted make Seungri got startled.
"Hyung... Dont call me like that..." Said Seungri slowly, and suddenly someone drag Seungri's arms and throw his body until he hit the wall so hard.
"Go away from here! You make my bestfriend crying? I will never forgive you Seungri although Jiyong can see again please remember this LEE SEUNGHYUN LITTLE BASTARD!" Youngbae shoutef right at Seungri's face. Seungri just can look at the floor scared to see Youngbae's eyes.

In the midnight, Seungri cant sleep he thinking about Jiyong. Then he walk weakly towards Jiyong's bedroom, he look so sad because the room was very messy and Jiyong sleep look uncomfortable. Seungri touch Jiyong's cheek and he feel so bad to see how fragile Jiyong right now.

"Hyuung... Im sorry..." Said Seungri slowly. Seungri tidied up Jiyong's tools and put them back to their place one by one. Then he found something that can make his heart sooo hurt. He found his own picture with a pink letter in the beside of the picture.

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