He is Liar

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"Seungri?" I trying to open my eyes when I heard Seungri crying just now. Still same, everything still black! I try to grabbing anything around me, wishing there are any person that hold my hands but I feel none. Nobody here. I remember one thing, since yesterday I didnt meet Seungri and Daesung said he was sick. So am I just dreaming? I heard he was crying at my side just now!


Daesung opened his eyes but he didnt find Seungri at his side, so he immediately rush towards kitchen and he saw Seungri was cooking there.

"Seungri? Maknae? What are you doing? Have you feeling well?" Daesung try to checking Seungri but Seungri avoid him.
"Hyung... I feel better than yesterday dont worry..." Said Seungri with cute voice.
"Aighoo seriously I saw a cutest thing in the early morning like this huh?" Said Daesung and pinch Seungri's cheeks.
"I woke up little bit late right hyung... Do you want my pancake?"
"Nah, just cook for Ji hyung Ri... I want eating some vegetables today..."
"Ok hyung..."
"Yah!!" Suddenly Youngbae coming and shouting.
"Youngbae hyung what happened?" Ask Daesung.
"Go look for Jiyong! He might be hungry you know! You already rest since yesterday! Dont you promised that youll taking care of Jiyong?"
"Ne hyung Im sorry... I will go to there when the pancake already cooked hyung..." Seungri answering with sad voice.

When Seungri entering Jiyong's room he saw Jiyong already standing up and hold the wall like he want to walking somewhere.

Seungri immediately put the food and approach Jiyong that seem so confused and his body trembling.

"Aighoo hyung... Where do you want going?" Seungri holds Jiyong's arms.
"Why are you so trembling hyung? Are you feeling sick?"
"S-Seungri..." Jiyong mentioning Seungri's name make Seungri look at him unbelieveble.
"Hyung? Y-you... Uhm...."
"Seungri... Im peeing on my bed..." Said Jiyong awkwardly.
"Jinjja hyung? So did your pants wet?" Seungri touch Jiyong's pants and yes that is wet. He smiled.
"Im sorry..." Said Jiyong.
"Gwaenchanna... Come on lets sit back hyung... I will change your cloth and pants okay?"
"But its so disgusting..."
"Who said? No hyung... Wait here okay? I will prepare your cloth and water..."

Jiyong touch his chest right at his heart, he feel so happy and also he feel so safe when he was with Seungri.

"Jiyong hyung... Let me to take off your cloth ne?"
"Seungri... Im shy..." Said Jiyong nervously but Seungri just smiled and stroke Jiyong's hair softly.
"Wae? I see your body oftenly right?"
"But... I might be have bad smell..."
"Ne? Let me know..." Seungri kiss Jiyong's neck make Jiyong get startled.
"Seungri what are you doing?" Jiyong so embarassed.
"No? You still have nice smell... But you should to clean your body okay? Your friends will visit you at 11 A.M."

Seungri starting to washing Jiyong's body with wet towel, Jiyong feel so relax and he got startled when Seungri touch his skin with that wet towel. Seungri giggling but still same, no smile on Jiyong's face but Seungri understand it and keep washing Jiyong's body.

Seungri took off Jiyong's clothes and changed into new ones patiently and carefully. He did it gently.

"Done hyung... I pick a good cloth for you... And let me comb your hair okay?"

Seungri look at Jiyong that staring blankly, he  look sad but today he doesnt got mad anymore and that can make Seungri so happy.

Suddenly Jiyong's friends coming, and Seungri try to greet them with his warm smile. Soojoo immediately rush towards Jiyong and also the other. But Bajawo look at him sharply, Seungri squishing Jiyong's dirty cloth while scared to look back at Bajawo.

"What you have done?" Said Bajawo suddenly make Seungri got startled. And the other look at them surprised, the situation became quite.
"I-I... Akh!" Seungri hold his stomach when Bajawo punch him right at his stomach.
"YOU! you have make my bestfriend blind! His life was ruined! He lose his dream you know!!" Bajawo shouted right in Seungri's face.
"Im sorry...ssh...aah..."
"YAH!!!" Bajowo push Seungri until that boy hit the wall and then Bajowo strangling him strongly, Seungri trying to reach anything around him to hold on because Bajawo was so strong.
"H-hyung...let me go...hyung....its..hurt..." Said Seungri weakly. Seungri look at Jiyong that already crying and he didnt speak even a word. Xin didnt have a heart seeing Seungri like that, he look at Jiyong that already crying and seem hard to ignoring the situation.

"No please..." Jiyong mumbled.

'Jiyongie hyuuung~' Seungri's voice playing around his mind.

'Saranghae Jiyong hyuuung~ you are my hero! Jiyong hyung is a hero in my life!'

"You lie!" Jiyong slowly grab his hair. And block his ears with his hands then grab his hair again.

'Lets always together!'

"No! You are a liar!"

'I love you!'

"Ji are you okay? Bajawo stop it!" Xin screamed after saw Jiyong grab his hair and sobbing hard.

Daesung entered Jiyong's room while bring some food but he got surprised when he saw Bajawo strangling Seungri that already weak and seem hard to breath. His face turned pale and trying to cough but failed.

"YAH!!!" Daesung put the food and push Bajawo then he catch Seungri that almost fall.
"H-hyung..." Seungri called Daesung's name weakly before he fainted at Daesung embrace.


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