Jiyong's eyes

289 11 14

TOP approaching Daesung that sit alone on the park bench, he look so sad lately. His eyes swollen and he won't to talk with his hyungs, about one week.

"Daesungie~" TOP called while kneeling down in front of sad Daesung.
"Wae hyung?"
"Jiyong is conscious... aren't you want to see him?"
"Arasseo hyung..." Daesung answered while walking following TOP that walk first.

When he entered into Jiyong's room, he sighed heavily. Youngbae smiled at him but still same, Daesung will ignoring him then he stand at Jiyong's side to waiting the doctor checking his leader.

"Jiyong-ah... we will open the bandage in a moment." Said the doctor. And Jiyong just nodded.

Yes, Jiyong just wake up from his coma after getting surgery on his eyes. He get the eyes donors and everyone is excited.

"Jiyong, are you ready too see the world again?" Ask Youngbae. And Jiyong smile weakly.
"Yes, of course... I can't wait for that... I really want to see you guys..." Jiyong answered with trembling voice.

Then the doctor and the nurse is coming, the nurse opens Jiyong's bandage gently until the bandage was completely open. Jiyong eyes was so clear, so sparkling like a sprinkling of stars in the suburban sky, so beautiful.

"Jiyong can you look at me?" Said the doctor. Jiyong blinked his eyes repeatedly accustoming the light to his eyes.
"Ji? How do you feel?" Youngbae got panicked when Jiyong close his eyes tightly. After a moment Jiyong open his eyes back, and he look at his members one by one and his smiled he touch Youngbae's face.
"Ji... you can see again... congratz!" Said Youngbae. But Jiyong's smile dropped, he keep looking around.
"What are you looking for Ji?" TOP asked.
"But... Where is Seungri?" Jiyong look at Youngbae worriedly. Daesung can hold his tears and he run away from the room, Jiyong just look at him curiously.
"Ji... We will meet him soon okay? You need to rest..." Youngbae pat Jiyong's shoulder.
"Bae... I-I know you still mad with him but... but Bae... please let him to visit me, I'm okay... I miss him..."
"Okay Ji... just rest okay? TOP hyung please take care of Jiyong I want to go out first."
"Okay Bae."

Youngbae walk around the hospital to find where Daesung at. And his step stopped when he saw Daesung just standing in the park while watching a flower. Youngbae stepped closer to daesung and pat his shoulder.

"Daesung..." Youngbae called him.
"I touch his blood! I saw how he endured pain! He just won't to make you guys mad at him! Maybe he tired to being hated by you guys!" Daesung suddenly got mad.
"Im sorry Daesung-ah, that is just a acccident! We also sad!"
"accident? Don't you think what was happened to Jiyonf a accident also huh? Where is your heart? I lose my one and only dongsaeng forever!" Daesung touch his chest that feel so hurt when he remembered that night.


"Seungri?! What happened are you sick?"
"Akh! Aahh!!" Seungri look at his hands palm and Daesung so shocked too, he touch Seungri's stomach.
"Yah you are wounded!!"
"Help me hyung... bring me to hospital... I can't hold it anymore hyung...it's hurt..." Said Seungri with trembling voice, his breath was panting so hard and his face was so pale and being cold. Without thinking too long he carried Seungri with bridal style and run towards the clinic. Seungri hide his face into Daesung's chest and keep moaning.
"Seungri hold on okay? You are strong right? Please we almost arrived!"
"Hyung... I'm sorry... I think I can't hold it... Hyung it's hurtt!"

And suddenly no Seungri's voice anymore, Daesung feel Seungri's body became weak.

"Seungri? Seungri you still conscious right?"
"Ye hyung..."
"Wait ne?"
"Hyung... hyung may I have some requests?"
"What is that? What is that maknae?"
"Hyung if I can't hold it anymore... can you said to other hyung to give my eyes for Jiyong hyung? I love him so much... I want him to be happy..."
"Seungri what are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense!"

When then both arrived at the hospital, Daesung screaming like crazy person until some nurse bring Seungri to emergency room. Daesung can't calm down he keep praying for his little brother until the nurse come out with sad face.

"Sorry sir We can't save him..." Said the nurse, like thunder hit his heart hardly when Daesung heard the nurse's words.
"No! No it can't be! My brother is strong!"
"He's been hurt for quite a while sir... he was bleeding quite badly..."
"Nooooo!!! Seungri!!!!"


"You don't know anything hyung!" Daesung yelled at Youngbae.
"I know my maknae! I mad at him because I want him to change his behavior! I love him!"
"Please... I saw him in pain hyung... you never know what I feel..."
"Daesung-ah..." Youngbae hug his little brother so tight. Then then both go to Jiyong's room again.

When them both arrived, they saw Jiyong was sitting on the bed while TOP feeding him a cup of pudding. And then his question giving them a heart attack.

"Bae? Dae? Where is Seungri?"

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