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Youngbae, Daesung and TOP Just can silent. Jiyong still look conscious his face turned sad and his eyes is teary.

"Ji doctor said you can comeback home today, aren't you happy?" Ask Youngbae.
"Bae? Dae? TOP hyung? Where is him? Why you guys seem hard to answer?"
"Ji... listen to us carefully okay?"
"Phalii answer me!"
"I will preparing Jiyong's stuff first Bae!" Said TOP cause he can't hold the tears anymore.
"Yah!! ANSWER ME!!" Jiyong shouted.
"Jiyong calm down..."
"So... why you didn't answer me huh?"
"Ji..." Youngbae took a deep breath and exhaled. TOP stopped his activity, Jiyong look curious he look at TOP and Daesung that bowed their head down.
"Fucking answer me YOUNGBAE!"
"Your eyes.... is.... Seungri's eyes Ji!" Said Youngbae weakly without look at Jiyong.
"What do you mean? So where is him Bae?! Where is him??!!"
"Hyung... when you discharged from hear, we will bring you to meet him arasseo?" Said Daesung trying to calming Jiyong down.
"Promise me?"
"Yes hyung..."

And now Jiyong is already discharged from the hospital, he really want to see Seungri he forced his members to bring him meet Seungri. But, he feel unwell whe they arrived at Seungri's house, Seungri's parents hug him tightly while crying they still look so sad!

"What happened?"
"Hyung... that is Seungri..." said Daesung. Jiyong look at Seungri's picture on the frame with some flowers around the picture. There are so many panda doll and some Seungri's favorite food.

"What?! Why?? What happened?" Jiyong grab his chest, he seem hard to breath

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"What?! Why?? What happened?" Jiyong grab his chest, he seem hard to breath.
"Ji... calm down Ji..."
"S-Seungri..." Jiyong starting cry and keep staring at Seungri's picture.
"Ji come on sit down... calm down Ji..." said Youngbae because of worried about Jiyong's condition.
"O-our Seungri...our Seungri...what happened?" Jiyong seem hard to speak.
"Hyung... don't be like this please..." Daesung also crying. Then Jiyong fainted.

Jiyong open his eyes slowly, he look around and now he is already in his bedroom. He close his eyes tightly when he remembered about what was happening.

"Jiyong? You wake up? What do you need?" Said Youngbae while bring the medicine. Jiyong just curled up hugging his knee while sobbing, Youngbae don't have a heart to see Jiyong like this Daesung that just come also crying when he saw his hyung.
"Hyung... let's eat... let me feed you ok?" Said Daesung.
"I need Seungri..." said Jiyong so slowly.
"Ji... he was happy there, you know that his sadness is when he see you sad right? Let's be happy..."
"Ji! We also feeling lost! But Seungri would sad if we are sad too!"
"You don't know what I feel Bae... I want to take my words back... I still want to see him a lot when I got my eyes back... I will look at him as much as he want Baeee..." Jiyong crying more harder.
"Ji... Seungri is happy when he said he want to help you..."
"Let me blind and bring him back! Please Bae!"
"JIYONG! Stop!" TOP already come and hold Jiyong's body when he try to wake up.
"Hyung... TOP hyung... bring my Seungri to me hyung please..."
"Ji... Seungri is already gone...He won't comeback..." TOP trying to explain to Jiyong.
"No... Seungri won't to leave me he said... he will protect me..."
"Jiyoong..." Youngbae so very sad.
"So... Let me follow Seungri hyung? Let me follow him!!"


TOP slaps Jiyong's cheek so hard. All of them just can silent, then suddenly the nurse give Jiyong a injection until Jiyong fall asleep.

Youngbae sit on his bed while holding Seungri's picture, he look at the picture then he kiss that picture gently.


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"Seungri... what should I do? I'm sorry maknae... I'm sorry... Hyung loves you so much!" Youngbae fall asleep when he cried about ten minutes.


"Hyung! Hyuung!!" Youngbae immediately wake up when he heard Seungri's voice.
"Mak-maknae? Is this you? Why are you here?"
"Hyung! Just go hyung! Jiyong hyung in dangerous!!"
"What are you talking about? Why are you so sweaty like this?!" Youngbae touch Seungri's cheeks.
"Let's go hyung just look for him! I want to go! Bye hyung!!"
"Seungri!! Where are you going? Seungri?!!!"


"SEUNGRI?!!!" Youngbae woke up from his sleep then he realized that he fall asleep while hugging Seungri's picture.

"Just a dream? Aighoo... why look so true? Seungri... but in my dreams? Seungri said that I should to look at Jiyong?" Immediately he run to Jiyong's bedroom and when he arrived he is so very surprised because his friend was unconsciously in the floor while bleeding a lot.



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