What Happened?

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"Hyung it's almost evening... how if we go back home?" Said Seungri.
"Oh? We take a long time here right haha... you might be tired.."
"Actually I feel cold..." Jiyong sound embarrassed.
"Ok hyung... let's go home..."

Seungri push Jiyong's wheelchair, them both can't stop talking to each other and Jiyong seem so happy, he always smile and sometimes he laughing when Seungri make a joke. Seungri stopped the wheelchair then he sit in front of Jiyong. He touch Jiyong's cheeks and suddenly he kiss Jiyong's lips so softly make Jiyong blushing.

"Hyung... I love you... I don't care if you still love me or not but... I really love you hyung..." said Seungri.
"But... You loves that girl Ri..."
"For me, you are my love of my life hyung..."
"So who is that girl?"
"She is... Hyung... Actually..."
"Come on, come to me!!" Seungri got cut when suddenly them both heard a old woman shouted at them.
"Who is that old woman Ri?"
"Just a fortune teller hyung... ignore him..."
"Let's go to there Ri..."
"Go to there? Seriously will you believe in tarot?"
"I-I just curious... can I?"
"Ok, let's go to there..."

When nyongtory entering the fortune teller room, she smiled and accidentally holds Jiyong hands. The fortune teller look at Jiyong with shining face, make Seungri more curious.

"How lucky you are..." said the fortune teller.
"Wae?" Jiyong ask curiously.
"You will find your true love as soon as possible... He love you so much, he is your endless love..." then she turned to Seungri.
"He is your endless love..." the fortune teller touch Seungri's cheeks.
"Really?" Jiyong grab Seungri's arm.
"He loves you so much dear... you guys synchronize to each other..."
"Aha~ we are a couple right Ri?"
"Ne?" Seungri more curious.
"there will be separation between you both... one of you will be lost..." the fortune teller turned serious.
"What do you mean? Haha... Come on hyung... it became more funny..."
"I'm not kidding..."
"This is the money we should to go, thank you!" Said Seungri while push Jiyong's wheelchair to get out.

In the way back home, Jiyong just keep silence. He just thinking hard about what the fortune teller has said to them.

"Hyung... are you still thinking about her words?"
"Tch... that is just fortune teller hyung... I'll never leave you... I'll be there for you..."
"Ne hyung... please believe me..."
"I do so..."

Seungri look at the clock at his phone, it was already at 9 P.M. they take so a long time, Seungri so worried if he got scolded by Youngbae or TOP.

but when they were passing by the dark and quite streets, they were intercepted by a gangster. Seungri looks normally, and he ask the permission but one of them kicks Jiyong's wheelchair.

"That is BigBang's members guys!" One of them shouted.
"Excuse me hyung..."
"Do you think you can easily passing through us? Give us money!"
"I just want to go back home... poor my hyung, he feel cold..." Seungri sound trembling.
"Tch!" The young man look into Jiyong's face and waves his hands to Jiyong's eyes.
"Hyung don't bother him!" Seungri pushed the young man's shoulder make him get annoyed.
"Do you push me? Who do you think you are huh?" The man push Seungri back.
"S-Seungri... let's walk... don't mind him..." said Jiyong with trembling voice.
"Tch, he is blind!" That man take Jiyong's beanie then throw it to Jiyong's face.
"You bastard!!" Jiyong shouted.
"Huh? What do you said?" The man grab Jiyong's cheeks.
"Don't touch him!" Seungri grab the man's collars.

BRAKK! Suddenly someone push Jiyong's wheelchair make Jiyong fall from there.

"Akh!" Jiyong screamed in pain.
"Jiyong hyung!" Seungri trying to help Jiyong but suddenly two mans holds his body from behind.
"Where are you going huh?"
"Jiyong hyung!! Don't touch him!" Seungri screamed like crazy when he saw someone kicks Jiyong's arms and punch him in the face.
"Hyung!!" Seungri crying hard until someone punch him too right at his cheek.
"Akh!! Aahh..." Jiyong curled up his body when someone kicks him at his abdomen.
"You guys are rascal! Son of a bitch!" Seungri shouted while crying.

But suddenly without Seungri realize that, someone walk towards him while holds a knife.


"Ukh!" shrieked seungri as the knife stabbed into his stomach.
"Who do you think you are huh?" the man pulled out the knife and stabbed it back into Seungri's stomach once again.
"Oukh!hhh..." Seungri feel his knees already weak, his stomach hurt like hell. They let Seungri fall on the ground, then they running away from nyongtory.

Seungri curled up his body and bite his lower lips to hold the pain. He holds the knife that still stuck on his stomach.

"Arrgh!" Seungri groaned slowly afraid if Jiyong heard him.
"Aahh...hhh...ssh...it's hurt..." Seungri mumbling slowly while trying to pull the knife from his stomach.
"S-Seungri? Where are you?" Jiyong's voice make Seungri stop his act and look at Jiyong sadly. There are a worriness and a sadness in Jiyong's face, he is crying.
"H-Hyung...Hyung I'm here..." with all his strength Seungri pulled the knife from his stomach.
"Seungri? Are you ok? Are get hurt?"

Seungri throw the knife away and walk towards Jiyong.

"No hyung... I'm ok... I'm sorry hyung, you get hurt..." Seungri was gasping for breath.
"Really? Wow you are strong..."
"Of course, I'm strong baby right..." Seungri help Jiyong to sit on his wheelchair.
"Yes... you are great..."

Seungri knelt in front of Jiyong then rubbed the wound on Jiyong's cheek with his beanie.

"I'm sorry hyung... I can't safe you..." Seungri still panting.
"It's ok, this is not hurt at all..."
"I didn't keep my promise to Youngbae hyung..."
"Seungri... it's ok, the important thing is we safe..."

Seungri smiled then he look at his stomach that already bleeding. Seungri close his eyes tightly seem he hide his pain, then close the zipper and starting to push Jiyong's wheelchair his vision getting blurry but he keep to strong.

"Let's go home hyung... hyungdeul might be waiting for us..." said Seungri weakly.
"Ne hyung?"
"Are sure you are not hurt?"
"Ne...I'm ok..."
"But your breath sound panting..."
"Aha~ I just scared like hell when they hurt you..."

When they arrived in front of their house, Seungri take a deep breath before he pressing the bell button. And finally someone come out and that is Youngbae.

"Where you guys have been? What time it is?" Ask Youngbae.
"Hyung... calm down, the important thing is they was arrived home right?" Daesung coming too. Youngbae look at Jiyong's cheeks and his lips there dry blood.
"Why are you wounded?" Youngbae touch Jiyong's face.
"I'm sorry hyung... I didn't keep my promise..."
"You son of a bitch!" Youngbae push Seungri's body until that boy fall on the ground.
"Argh!" Seungri touch his stomach.
"Youngbae hyung what are you doing?!"
"Stop make a problem Seungriyah! I'm so done with you!!"
"I'm...so...hh...sorry...hyung..." Seungri try to stand up.

When Seungri saw Youngbae was about push Jiyong's wheelchair, he grab Youngbae's hand and look into his eyes straighten.

"Hyung...Youngbae hyung..." Seungri said weakly his eyes already red and teary.
"Please take care of Jiyong hyung...please...Young-Youngbae hyung..."
"Of course I will!"
"Young-Bae...hyuung... I love him...I love him so much..." Seungri getting weak more over.

Youngbae ignoring Seungri then he already push the wheelchair but Seungri grab Youngbae's hands again.

"What again?"
"Please change his clothes with warm clothes hyung... He said he feel cold..."

Seungri smiled then he look at Daesung that look at him worriedly. Seungri ducked in pain while clutching his stomach.

"Seungri are you ok?" Daesung touch Seungri's shoulder.
"Argh!aahh..." Seungri whining in pain.
"Seungri! Yah!" Slowly Seungri's body fall on the ground and luckily
Daesung catch his body and he also fall on the ground together.

"Seungri! Yah! Wae geurae??" Daesung voice sound trembling.
"Akh...hhh...hyuung..." Seungri touch Daesung's cheeks.
"Seungri!! What happened with you?!!"

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