Keep A Distance

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Hi guys, maybe this story will a little bit different with Indonesian version :(

Seungri look at Daesung that looking at him back with sad eyes. Seungri walking to the sofa and laying down his body while hold his stomach and bite his lower lips to endure the pain.

Daesung come over Seungri and sit beside him.

"Are you sleep here?" He ask to Seungri.
"Ne hyung... Let Jiyong hyung sleep alone..."
"Dont you feel cold?"
"Gwaenchanna hyung..."
"Why dont you sleep at your girlfriend's house? Or hotel?" Daesung said with irritating voice. Seungri look at him sadly.
"Uhm... Me... I... Gwaenchanna... I will sleep here..."
"Why are you so easily to falling in love huh?"

Seungri just can keep silent, he just looking at Daesung with teary eyes then he looking down but suddenly Daesung give him a blanket.

"You might be cold, dont let your body sick..."

Seungri accepting the blanket and smiled.

"Thankyou hyung..."

Tomorrow morning, Seungri wake up and he met Jiyong at the kitchen. Seungri accidentally looking straight at his eyes make Jiyong looking at him too sharply.

"Morning Ji, where will you go today?" Ask Youngbae after come out from the bathroom.
"Maybe I will meet my friends..."
"Okay have fun, and are you feeling well? You got heavy drunk yesterday..."
"Yeah Im okay..."

Seungri just listening what they've said, and he really want to say something to Jiyong like : "dont drink wine too much hyung, please look at your health" said Seungri in his own mind.

Tonight, Seungri met Glory at their favorite cafe. Glory so curious why Seungri act like he was so confused right now, he opened his phone then he closed it. he even didnt drink his coffee and only stir the coffee numerous time, Glory put his spoon and look at Seungri deeply.

"Why hyung? Do you still confused with your problem? You said you was ok but now you look anxious?"
"Gwaenchanna..." Seungri mumbling.
"Do you think I believe you? You even didnt drink your coffee since the coffee arrived?"
"Glory-yah... You have Jiyong's friend number right?"
"Ne why? Oh hyung! My friend is there too!"
"She send me video... Look at this!" Glory show the phone to Seungri, and Glory's friend filming Jiyong that drunk in the club.

"Glory I want to go to there right now! He might be drunk again!" Seungri stand up but Glory grabs his hand

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"Glory I want to go to there right now! He might be drunk again!" Seungri stand up but Glory grabs his hand.
"Hyung... Dont... There are so many Jiyong hyung's friends you know... It might be dangerous for you!"
"I dont care Glory... I worried about Jiyong!"
"Hyung let me accompany you ok?"
"No... No need you can go home first!!"

Seungri arrived at the club, many person greeting him but he is just focused on one person, that is Jiyong!

Finally he found the person he search for, that person still dancing and drinking his wine Seungri immediately approach him and grab his wine. Jiyong so surprised with Seungri act, he look at Seungri then his eyes became so teary.

"What you doing?" Ask Jiyong with cold voice.
"Stop hyung... You could be drunk again!"
"Tch, do you care? And I want to drunk!"
"Yes I care!" Seungri shouted make Jiyong look at him unbelievable. Jiyong smiled.
"Although we have broke up... I really want to still care about you hyung..." Slowly Jiyong's smile is gone.

Jiyong grab the wine again but Seungri hold the wine so tight.

"Give it to me!" Jiyong shouted.
"NO! Lets go home!!"
"YOU BASTARD!!! GO AWAY!!!" Jiyong push Seungri's body but glad he doesnt fall. But suddenly someone grab Seungri's shirt and throw him until fall on the floor so hard. Seungri look at the person and that is Bajowo, Jiyong's best friend.
"Dont disturb Jiyong again, little bastard!" He said while kick Seungri's legs.
"Im sorry... I shouldnt to be worry right?" Seungri stand up and walking out hurriedly.

Seungri just keep silent on his car, he just look at the window while crying a lot. He still starring at the club with emotional heart, he should bring Jiyong to get out from there right? But he cant, who is him?

"Arrrggg!!!" Seungri screamed while punch the steering wheel.

"I love you hyung... I love you... But who am I? I just a doll..." Said Seungri with trembling voice.

Hi next?

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