I Love You.

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Seungri open his eyes slowly, he touch his forehead because he feel so spinning and his body is already hot maybe he catch a fever.

Daesung come while bring a cup of plenty water and some medicine, he touch Seungri's forehead and then look at Seungri sadly.

"Still hot.." said Daesung.
"How long I sleep hyung?"
"Two days..."
"Mwo?? Jiyong hyung?"
"Stop! Dont think about Ji hyung lets focus on your health!"
"But hyung-"
"Seungriyah~ dont be stubborn!"
"He might be looking for me hyung..."
"Seungri... you are sick! Let's eat the medicine first come on!"
"Yah! Jiyong want to eat!" Said Youngbae from outside and Seungri is already to stand up but Daesung holds his hands.
"Sit, let me treat Jiyong..." said Daesung. Seungri looking at Youngbae scaredly.
"But hyuung..."
"Don't too harsh to Jiyong hyung arasseo? He might be scared..." said Seungri sadly and Daesung just can smile hearing what Seungri said just now.
"Ok, don't worry..."

Jiyong just sit on his bed while waiting for someone, he feel hungry. When he heard someone entering his room, accidentally he smiled.

"Good evening hyung, are you hungry? Let me feed you ok?" Said Daesung but when Jiyong heard Daesung's voice his smile is drop.
"You again?" Ask Jiyong.
"Ne? Why?"
"Where is Seung...ri...?" Jiyong voice so nervous.
"Ah~ he got fever since two days ago hyung..."
"He is sick?"
"Yes hyung..."
"Ah~ I see... poor him..."
"Why hyung? Do you miss him?"
"M-me? Uhm..."
"Actually he also want to treat you hyung, but I forbid him afraid if he got sick more... He really want to look for you..."
"Yeah... you know, he beg to me to not baing harsh to you..."
"Seungri beg to you like that?"
"Yes hyung... ok, do you want me to feed you right now?"
"Aha~ yes..."

Meanwhile in Daesung's rooms, Seungri just playing his phone while laying on the bed. He got surprised when someone entering the room and that is TOP.

"Can I talk to you for awhile?" Ask TOP.
"Ne hyung..." Seungri put his phone and ready to listening to TOP.
"How can you being so enjoy like this? You made Jiyong blind, but I think you never seem like you had made a problem?"
"W-what hyung?"
"Seungri... Jiyong is blind because of you! He can't live like that right?"
"Hyuung... I also doesn't know if it will become so far hyung..."
"Tch, so what will you do?"
"I will accompany him until.whenever hyung... I promised that to myself..." Seungri starting crying.
"Daesung will come..." TOP come out from Seungri's room then Daesung coming, he got surprised when he saw Seungri crying.
"Seungri? What happened?" Ask Daesung while hiccuping Seungri's cheeks.
"H-hyung... Hyuung..."
"Yah...ssh... Don't cry.... Hyung is here with you..." Daesung hug Seungri so tight.
"Hyuung... Im a burden right? I create so many problems..."
"Who said? No... you are our baby..."
"They hates me hyung..."
"No... they are just got emotional, everything will be ok believe to hyung..."

Tomorrow morning, when Daesung cooking at the kitchen suddenly he feel someone wrap his stomach and that is Seungri! He look at the boy that seem so very happy today, his face so shimmering.

"Good morning hyungie~" said Seungri cheerfully.
"Yah what happened eoh? Why my maknae so cheer up like this?"
"Hyuung... I really want to eat banana cake can you make it for me?"
"Of course, but not now ok? Uhmm... tonight?"
"Ah~ arasseo hyuung..."

Suddenly Youngbae come to drink, Seungri only look at him then he smiled to Youngbae. But still same, Youngbae still cold.

"Good morning hyung..." said Seungri slowly.
"What are you doing here? Don't you look at Jiyong? I think you must to treat him better!" Said Youngbae without looking at Seungri.
"Ah arasseo hyung.... I will go..."

When Seungri gone, Daesung look at Youngbae sharply make Youngbae feel scared.

"Yah wae?"
"Can you just being normal to Seungri hyung? This is not his mistake at all hyung!"
"Tch, I already hate him!"

Meanwhile in Jiyong's room, he was already woke up.

"Good morning hyung..." said Seungri and accidentally Jiyong smiled.
"S-Seungri? You come?"
"Ne hyung..."
"Are you feel better? Daesung said you are sick right?"
"Im ok right now hyung, and today I feel so healthy..." Seungri said while rubbed Jiyong's hair softly.
"Ooh... glad to hear that..." Jiyong feel so awkward.
"How about you hyung? What do you feel?"
"Bored..." Jiyong answer shortly.
"So what do you want hyung? Do you want to go out?" Ask Seungri softly.
"I-I want to go to the park... I want some fresh air..."
"Are you sure hyung?"
"Why? Don't you want to accompany me?"
"Ooh... of course hyung... but let me wash your body first ok? Then you must to eat breakfast first..."
"Really? Ok then..."

Seungri starting to wash Jiyong's body with wet towel gently, Jiyong just can keep silent because he feel so enjoy Seungri's touch was so soft. After dressing up Jiyong, Seungri feeding Jiyong to eat breakfast then they are already to go out.

"Hyung, wear your beanie hyung..." said Seungri while helping Jiyong to wear his beanie.

Seungri look at Jiyong that very handsome today, but Jiyong of course doesn't realized that Seungri looking at him right now.

"Done, we go right now hyung?"
"Seungri don't forget to wear warm jacket too..."
"Of course hyung, I wore thick jacket right now..."
"Good then... can we go right now?"
"Ok hyung... I will push your wheelchair..."

In the living room, Youngbae and Daesung stopping them both. Youngbae so very confused how can Jiyong's face became cheerfully and want to go out from his bedroom.

"Where are you guys doing?" Ask Youngbae.
"Hyung... Jiyong hyung is bored he want to go to the park for awhile..." Seungri answered with trembling voice.
"Hyung... just let them go..." said Daesung but Youngbae still starring at Seungri sharply.
"ok, but remember one thing. If there is the slightest wound on Jiyong's body or Jiyong comes back with a gloomy face I will kill you! Are you understand?" Youngbae threatened.
"Ne hyung I understand, I'll make sure that Jiyong hyung will be safe with me..." said Seungri slowly.
"Ok then, you can go!"
"Seungri..." Daesung holds Seungri's hand before he continue to push Jiyong's wheelchair.
"Ne hyung?"
"Be careful Ri... I'm waiting for you, when you come home the banana cake would be ready..."
"Okay hyung..."

When they are arrived at the park, Seungri sit on the bench with Jiyong that sitting on the wheelchair. Seungri eat the cotton candy then he also feeding Jiyong. That man look so fresh, his sad face seem gone make Seungri so happy to see Jiyong like this.

"Seungri..." Jiyong suddenly called.
"Ne hyung? Do you need something?"
"No, I just...uhm...the weather is good but little bit cold right?"
"Do you feel cold hyung?" Seungri holds Jiyong's hands tightly.
"Can I touch you?"

Seungri smiled when he heard what Jiyong said just now.

"Of course hyung..." Seungri brought his face closer to Jiyong and let Jiyong touch his face. When he opened his eyes it seem straight to Jiyong's eyes make Seungri got surprised.
"Ri... Can you forgive me?"
"Hyung... I'm the one who make mistake here... I make you-"
"Stop! Don't say that... Just act like nothing happened to me, can you?"
"Hyung... I'm really sorry... I love you hyung... I really love you..." Seungri kiss Jiyong's hands and unconsciously Jiyong's tears flowing down on his own cheeks.
"Do you really love me Ri?"
"I love you hyung... I never stop, please believe me..."
"I love you too Ri..."

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