Jiyong accident

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Youngbae cooking at the kitchen then he saw Seungri entering the bathroom, he look at him and feel sad since he have act so cold to his beloved maknae. Suddenly the door bell is ringing, Youngbae immediately open the door and surprised that the one who come is Glory and a girl.

"Hyung.... Is Seungri hyung here?" Ask Glory.
"Ne..." Answer Youngbae shortly.
"Can I meet him?"
"He is still in the bathroom..."
"Okay I will waiting here hyung..."
"Wae? You guys can waiting him in the living room!"
"But... Is Jiyong hyung here too?"
"Yes, but he is still sleeping..."
"Hyung... Is he okay? I heard he have heavy drunk yesterday?"
"Where do you know?"
"Seung-" suddenly Glory got cut.
"Glory-yah? Hyewon-ah?"
"Oh hyung!!" Glory wave his hands to greet Seungri.

Seungri look at Youngbae and accidentally their eyes met make Seungri feel scared because Youngbae look at him sharply.

"If you both want to dating, dont do that here! I dont want any fight or my bestfriend's heart got hurt!" Said Youngbae coldly then leave them and go to the kitchen again. Seungri bend down his head , Glory didnt have a heart knew Seungri like this he suddenly grab Seungri's hand and bring him get out from the dorm.

Seungri walk to balcony and look at the sky, so many stars the suburban sky make him smile and thinking about Jiying. Usually they will talking together while drinking coffee. He look at his friend that talking and laughing happily with their own girlfriend, Seungri just sighed.

Seungri opened his phone, there are so many message on the Bigbang's group. His heartbeat became fast after look at Jiyong's pict.

"Ji..." Said Seungri while hold his phone so tight.
"Hyung? Are you-"
"Glory... I wanna go to YG right now... See you later!"
"Hyung? Why so suddenly?"
"Bye Glory!!"

Seungri is lie when he said he go to YG building, actually he went to Jiyong friend's club. Youngbae, TOP are there too Daesung? Maybe he have other thing to do so he cant joined the party. When he arrived at the club he rush in and found Jiyong with Sandara, them both almost kissed.

Seungri look at him sadly until TOP call him.

"Seungri?" TOP's voice can interrupting Jiyong and Sandara, Jiyong surprised and walk toward Seungri that look at him with teary eyes.
"Seungri? What are you doing here?" Ask Jiyong but Seungri ignoring him and walking out from the club.

Jiyong keep chasing Seungri until to the roadway, the streets not too crowded So Seungri can run to the streets because he wants to avoid Jiyong. But suddenly he heard
the car horn sounded many times, Seungri look at his right side a car drive so fast toward him.

"Arrrghhh!!!!" Seungri screamed then suddenly he felt someone pushing his body hard make he fall on the ground so hard. When he looking around he found someone laying on the ground. He rush toward that person and his body became trembling when he saw who is that person.

Seungri bring Jiyong's body on his lap and trying to waking up Jiyong that close his eyes tightly unconcious.

"Hyung!! Wake up... Mianhae hyung!!! Jebaal hyung!!" Seungri screamed like crazy person. Jiyong is bleeding a lot, so many blood come out from his head, nose and mouth.

"Jiyong!!" Suddenly some people coming and Seungri feel someone push him and catch Jiyong from him.

@ hospital

Seungri and all his hyungs waiting for the doctor that still checking Jiyong's condition.

After few a minutes, the doctor come out with sad expression.

"Doctor, how is my bestfriend condition?" Ask Youngbae.
"Im sorry to say this... Jiyong is in worse condition right now... And he is blind..." Said the doctor slowly.

Suddenly Youngbae's body became weak , and all of them cant hide their sad face. Seungri just can leaning his body to the wall until Youngbae approach him and grab his collar.

"You bastard!!"

PUNCH!!! Youngbae punch Seungri's stomach make Seungri close his eyes tightly.

"What you have done huh?! Are you happy? You make my bestfriend so fragile!!" Youngbae screamed.

Seungri hold his stomach while fall on the floor slowly.

"Eungh...hyung...its hurt..." Seungri's breath sound so fast.

Youngbae try to punch Seungri again but TOP hug him and calming him down.

"Tell me how to say this to Jiyong... How he feel if he know he is blind? TELL ME SEUNGRI!!" Youngbae shouted.
"Hyung... Am I the one who guilty here?"
"Seungri... Are you crazy?!!"
"Stop hyung!! Just stop!!! Please... We all are sad right now, just pray for Jiyong hyung..." Said Daesung while helping Seungri.

When they arrived at home, Daesung look at Seungri that seem so confused. His body trembling hard and he seem cold too.

"Seungri? Are you okay?"
"Hyung... Im guilty right?" Ask Seungri.
"Sleep maknae... Come on..."
"Hyung... Do you hate me? Hyung... Im scared..."
"Maknae... You should to be strong for Jiyong hyung..."
"Come on sleep with hyung, hyung will be there for you dont worry..." Daesung help Seungri to laying down then hug Seungri from behind.
"Hyung... Hug me..." Said Seungri slowly.
"I hug you dont worry... I will protect you..." Daesung hug Seungri tightly, Seungri can feel Daesung's breath wipe his neck then he hold Daesung's hands that in his stomach right now.

Next day, all of BigBang member got a call from the hospital that Jiyong has concious. All of them rush to the hospital then.

When they arrived at Jiyong's room, there are some nurse and a doctor and slowly Jiyong opened his eyes. But when his eyes opened he loon confused and panic.

"Jiyong..." Youngbae call his name.
"W-why so dark?" Said Jiyong and all of them became sad.
"Jiyong calm down..."
"No... Why? Why so dark??"
"Ji... We will strugling hard..." TOP said while hug Jiyong.
"Wae??? Tell meeee!!"
"Ji... we will try to find an eye donor for you..." Said Youngbae.
"Hyuung..." Suddenly Seungri speak up.

Tell me if you want the next chapter 💕

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