Is He Ok?

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Today, Jiyong's parents will come to BigBang's dorm to visit Jiyong so Seungri cleaning Jiyong's room and dressing Jiyong with casual cloth. Jiyong feel Seungri's hands so smooth and he treat him so well, Jiyong feels so bad after say anything cruel to Seungri.

"Done hyung... Let me comb your hair arasseo?" Said Seungri and like usually Jiyong only can be quite.

"Lets wait your parents okay? I heard tomorrow you friends will visit you also... Doesnt you feel happy hyung?" Seungri asked but Jiyong can giggling.
"How can I feel happy if I cant see anything?"

Seungri fell silent when he heard Jiyong's words just now, he put the comb and still look at Jiyong sadly.

"Sometimes, I thinking about why I still alive... Without my eyes..." Said Jiyong again.
"Hyung... Dont say about that..." Seungri holds Jiyong's hands.
"Tch, my world are black... Everything is black do you think I can hold it anymore?"
"Hyung... You will get your eyes back believe me..."
"So when?!" Jiyong got angry again and he wave his hands until hit Seungri's chest so hard.
"Uhuk..." Seungri hold his chest and then trying to hug Jiyong.
"Why did you torture me this bad Seungri? You can kill me!! You can make me disappear!" Jiyong starting cry so hard.
"Jiyong..." Suddenly them both hearing Dami's voice.
"N-noona? Noona where are you?" Jiyong seem searching for his noona.
"Son, why are you crying? I cant to see you this fragile Jiyong..." Said Jiyong's mother.

Suddenly Dami looking at Seungri with sharp eyes make Seungri feel awkward and trying to give a sweet smile, but his smile is drop when Dami push him hard.

"You made my brother became like this! Why?? He loves you so much Seungri!!"  Dami shouted, suddenly Jiyong fall silent.
"Im- Im sorry noona.... Im sorry this is my mistake..."
"Yah! Of course this is your mistake Lee Seunghyun bastard!! Tell me who is your girlfriend? Is she beautiful? Is she love you like how Jiyong loves you?"

Seungri cant hold it anymore all eyes are on him sharply he feel so scared, he want to say anything. His heart cant holding everything. His brain want to explode, and suddenly he burst into the tears.

"I DONT HAVE ANY GIRLFRIEND!!" Seungri shouted and all of them cant got startled especially Jiyong.

"Why all people only can blame me? Im tired..." Seungri crying hard and his voice so trembling.

"I dont have any girlfriend... I dont have... She is just... She is..."

"SEUNGRI!!" Youngbae shouted and approach him, he grab Seungri collar and punch him right at his cheek.
"Omoo?!" Dami close her mouth with her handpalms after saw how hard Youngbae punch Seungri just now.
"Its hurt hyuung..." Said Seungri while wipe his nose that already bleeding.
"How can you shouting at Jiyong's parents and noona huh?" Youngbae seem angry.
"Youngbae... Stop!" TOP hugging Youngbae that already want to punch Seungri again.
"Seungri?!" Daesung hug Seungri.
"Go away from here! Go away you little bastard!!" Youngbae screaming and Daesung bring Seungri to get out from Jiyong's room.

Daesung entering his bedroom while bringing a sandwich to Seungri, he know that Seungri just eat once everyday. That make Daesung so sad, Seungri also changed he understand and he can feel what Seungri feel too.

Daesung sit on Seungri side and feeding him with the sandwich. First Seungri just shaking his head while tears still flowing into his cheeks.

"Seriously dont you want to gain your energy Ri? I always saw you eat just once everyday... Are you crazy?"
"I dont have appetite hyung... Before I see Jiyong smiling back...." Seungri answered.
"You need energy to taking care of Jiyong hyung Ri... He need you..." Daesung stroking Seungri's hair.
"Did him really need me hyung? I think I just can bothering him..."
"No Ri... He need you..."
"Thankyou hyung... That you still care to me..."
"You are my one and only dongsaeng... Even me, I love you so much..." Said Daesung while wipes Seungri's tears on his cheeks but suddenly he realized that Seungri's body is hot.

Daesung checking more of Seungri's body and he is right! Seungri got fever!

"You might got fever Ri... Take a rest..."
"Ne hyung... I think my body is weak too... I sleep ne hyung?"
"Geurae... Take a good sleep maknae..."

Tomorrow morning, when Youngbae just wake up and go to kitchen to drink water he only saw Daesung and didnt saw Seungri. He make his fist and walk towards Daesung's room. Daesung's room and kitchen are near.

"Yah Seungri! Seriously you arent wake up yet?" Youngbae shouting from outside.
"Hyung... Dont! Let me treat Jiyong hyung today Seungri is sick..."
"Ne hyung... Poor him..."
"Give him medicine so he can treat Jiyong again, I dont want to see him just sleep all the time or I will drag him!" Said Youngbae then he leave Daesung that still standing like statue.

When Daesung come into Jiyong's room, he saw Jiyong just look at blankly towards the window maybe he just need some air because everyday he will be in his room only.

When Daesung put the food to the table probably Jiyong heard it and turning smile.

"Good morning hyuung..." Said Daesung and he can saw clearly Jiyong's smile is drop when he heard Daesung voice.

"Wae hyung? How do you feel today?" Daesung approach Jiyong and take off his cloth.
"Daesung... Where is Seungri?" Asked Jiyong and Daesung smiling.
"Today he cant take care of you hyung... He fall a sick..."
"Sick? Is he ok?" Jiyong look so worry.
"Its okay hyung... He just got fever maybe he tired..."

Jiyong fell silent, he seems thinking about something. His face turned gloomy even though when Daesung entered Jiyong's room his face seemed flat, not gloomy and not happy but now he really gloomy.

'is he okay? Am I too much?' said Jiyong from his heart.


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