chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"" Kelso trailed off as she embraced the steaming cup of tea which was in front of her. She didn't believe what she was just told. How could she believe it? She was a nobody. The most interesting thing about her was her girlfriend, therefore why wasn't laylian the gatekeeper? Or the guardian of the gateS? Or whatever they were going to call it. "No, no, no that's not right."

She continued to ramble as Tyrell didn't say anything. He didn't believe it either. It was clear that he didn't believe it. He didn't know what to think about it. Why on earth would anyone even think that they had the potential to do anything such as that? He had read the book and he didn't think that the conclusion came from anywhere in there. He was very certain that he missed things in there, he knew that he couldn't understand half of what was mentioned. He put that down to a very loose understanding of myths and legends and history. He knew nothing of the fae world. He didn't know enough to deny what they had been told.

"It's the only explanation dears..." Laidra said loudly and clearly in an attempt to reassure the two panicign humans. "You are the only humans who are involved in the situation." Addamak got up and whispered something in her ear, something that only the twins couldn't hear. "Well...the only humans who are deeply involved in the situation that is."

"I don't see how it's a possibility." Kelso said firmly , attempting to be rational. "There's nothing special about us. There's no way that we would be able to do anything to ...stop the darkness. We don't have any powers . In fact Nero could probably have killed us months ago!"The silence which followed the outburst was extremely awkward. Laylian hung her head and bit her lip, she didn't need her parents to be reminded about the situation where she was incredibly foolish and decided to follow the literal definition of darkness and then get kidnapped.

"That's it." Acheron interrupted the silence. "The book held a riddle ...well it does on every other page . but this one was different. It was special. It talked about a mundane or the mundane...Mundane meaning ordinary or everyday. It means the normal or the most ...don't' take this the wrong way, most boring of people could make the difference. No matter how insignificant you are you can make the difference, you can destroy the darkness." It was something that the Caileafaq's weren't used to hearing from Acheron, he wasn't usually one for deep conversations or motivational speeches. Despite the negative descriptions that he used , it still made Kelso feel better.

"The most insignificant of stars int he sky still hold light." Sylvester added. He was reminded of what Hazel had told him. To be honest he was thinking about Hazel and her life lessons a lot. She had really changed his perspective ont he world and who he was. He hoped that he had the chance to thank her.

"That's a lovely philosophy but-" Kelso couldn't' stand her insecurities. She didn't know what on earth would make her or Tyrell worth the pressure of saving the world. THey were just two ordinary humans who were in love with two extraordinary people. That's it. Nothing would change her mind.

"What difference does it make? Tyrell asked as he looked up from his cup. "We were going to help stop them anyway. It doesn't matter whether we are the gatekeepers. We're going to do this because it is right. Not because it is our destiny to do so." Tyrell's tone was full of determination and so was his expression. He had known from the start that they would do whatever they could to protect humanity. Simply because it was the right thing to do. "But what is our next move? Are we to just complete the riddle as intended?"

Tyrell's speech had surprised the adults. They were looking at him with more fondness than they had ever shown to him before. Addamak had a proud smile on his face as he chuckled. "I do believe that is what we are supposed to be doing! The key is in the symbols!" He felt odd not knowing what the key actually was. The prophecy was a rather frustrating thing which never gave you straight answers. Though he supposed that was the nature of prophecies.

"Are you coming?" Landso asked his parents with a somewhat hopeful voice. He had wished that his parents would come to see the place, he also wanted them to see how much they could do, how sensible that they are and how worthy of adventure they are. "We could show you the riddle wall-"

"-and we could show you Laylian's house!" Acheron interrupted with an eager smile. Vansilla looked down sadly, she knew her parents wouldn't' set foot into the human dimension if they were dragged through it by a dark threat nevermind their own daughter. "We could spend some more time together." He then continued a little quieter. He didn't want to seem too hopeful or excited about it.

"I'm sorry...we would love to...but the rulers wouldn't allow it." Laidra was liking her friend less and less by the minute. After the harshness that she had previously been on the end of she was rather angry. SHe had only just calmed down enough to be in the same room as the royals, even then it wasn't pleasant. "I'm sure in the future your father and I would love to join you."

Laidra looked towards her husband who nodded comfortingly. They had previously had a discussion about a rather big decision. THey were just waiting for the right time to talk to their children about it. Once everything had calmed down and settled seemed to be a good idea. "I'm sure that you would enjoy Laylian's home." Addafor assured. "She gets her sense of interior design from you" The humour wasn't enough to lift the fae front he bad mood which they had found themselves in. Though they had hope that in the future they would be able to peacefully go between the dimensions.

"Right well..." Laidra stood up From where she was sitting and crossed her arms. "I'd recommend that you stay here for the night. The darkness hasn't yet reached here , you will be safe I can assure you." She gave a small smile. "And i'm sure that you would like a small tour of the castle , it is much comfier than what i've heard lies in the human dimension.I happen to know that the rulers are int heir chambers and will not be disturbing anybody." 

Breaking the Dimensions (Book 3 in the 'dimensions' series)Where stories live. Discover now