Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

The mansion was as dark and intimidating as it has always been. The fountain which was in front of it seemed to get more and more broken and beaten down each time they came there or saw the place. The surrounding trees were bare and created rather sinister looking shadows all over the place.

He walked up to the doors of the mansion and before he had time to knock it had opened by itself. It was an incredibly spooky action considering Nero thought they held Sylvester in their hands. Why would the door be opening to him? Unless the building itself was a live. He tried not to think about that possibility as it was extremely likely to be true.

Sylvester strode in like he owned the place, he had a confident and determined expression on his face as he walked around. It didn't' take him long to get to what he assumed was the living room. Even though the place looked much more run down from the outside it looked much better on the inside. Seemed Nero had been doing some interior designing.

When he entered the living room Nero's head snapped up. They looked at him with curiosity. It wasn't confusion at all, just curiosity. Their purple eyes trailed him up and down before a smirk appeared on their face. Sylvester took note of the device falling out of Nero's hand as they stood up and started to walk towards Sylvester. Sylvester didn't back down as Nero's eyes pierced through him.

"Well well what do we have here?" They practically purred as they traced a long fingernail down Sylvester's face. "Erin it seemed your little plan failed...go upstairs." Neros' smirk grew bigger as the woman shuddered and bowed, hurriedly walking past them. "What's a pretty boy like you doing here? Sylvester Klesifor?"

Sylvester was surprised, not many knew his surname. He was able to use this to his advantage, the anger which he had built up in his past flowed through his veins. The memories of being shut out of the fae city, forced to live amongst the trees and plants. The other dark fae who abandoned him , who neglected him. The fact that his only friend was connected to the royals and now his new friends were in the clutches of this evil being. "I wish to join your forces." He said through gritted teeth, the anger bubbling in his voice.

Nero raised an eyebrow and gasped dramatically. "Oh is that the case, is it?" Nero raised their voice and spread their arms out. Sylvester didn't flinch back or look at all intimidated. He knew what he was doing and if it cost him his life then all he could do was apologise to his friends, apologise that he couldn't save them."How do I know that this isn't some sort of plot? So you can get information about my doings? So you could get information from the inside?" Nero had walked uncomfortably close to Sylvester and whispered this in his ear, the coldness of their breath made Sylvester want to shiver.

Sylvester gave a dark and deep chuckle, his eyes growing darker as he focused on all the negative emotions which constantly surrounded him. This was dangerous but it was worth it. "They betrayed us." he spoke simply and shortly. As though the words held venom and they were painful to utter. "Addamak and Demi." Nero had stepped back a pace, looking deep into Sylvester's eyes as they tried to detect a lie. "You know they used to have a thing, right?"

"I did, I did." Nero turned and started to walk towards the boarded up windows. You couldn't see much into the outside world. "How exactly did they betray you?" Nero seemed to have excitement and anticipation in their voice. They enjoyed hearing stories of betrayal and heartache it seemed.

"They said we should give up." Sylvester recalled what he had been told,as he had taken note of earlier, there were quite a few insects around Demi's place. None of them liked to keep their mouths shut or thoughts private. "They said we had no hope, and so when we didn't believe them they hit us where it hurt."

Nero's eyes held enjoyment and curiosity. They stood with one arm around themselves and the other hand was held to their chin, tapping it a few times in thought. Their cape of shadows moved rather quickly , looking like ink falling from their shoulders.They started to slowly step closer to Sylvester. "Then I suppose you won't mind proving it." They whispered before their lips met Sylvester's.

Nero's eyes closed but Sylvester's stayed open as his breath was taken away. Sylvester wasn't sure what he expected but if he was honest he should've prepared for it. He knew that some dark fae could do things like this, gather specific information by physical contact but it didn't have to be a kiss. He was concerned why Nero had decided that was a necessary move. He concentrated on the anger and the fear he was feeling, leaving out the information that he had to hide from Nero as he concentrated on the story, he concentrated ont eh thoughts and words of the creatures who lived in Demi's home.

Nero pulled back slowly, a smirk still bright on their face. "I see." They backed away slowly ,never turning around or looking away from Sylvester. They could see the fear and hurt in Sylvester's expression, it was extremely convincing. "You have a lot of potential Sylvester. I would be a fool to let you join me, yet I would be an even bigger fool to let you walk away." Sylvester could see the shadows increasing all around the room, his eyes darted slightly as he wondered what was happening. Nero's voice became louder "So then you shall not walk away!"

Sylvester could feel the shadows growing all around them. He could assume that Nero didn't do this to dark fae's very often. He could feel the good and light energy leave the room, if there was any there to begin with. Sylvester chuckled as a dark smirk of his own appeared on his face. His eyes were not pitch black and he rolled up his sleaves to reveal dark markings along his own arms. "You don't do this very often do you?" Sylvester asked confidently as his hand shot towards the device. "Now!" He shouted and suddenly there was the sound of many things flying into the house.

With a grin and a determined look Sylvester ran out the door, being greeted by about fifty or so birds which proceeded to enter the house. He heard Nero's scream of outrage as they were surrounded by birds, knocking things over and pecking at them. Sylvester headed to the trees because that's where he knew he was safe. The next stage of the plan was being put into action with each move he made.

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