Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Just outside of a rather small house stood Tyrell, He was wearing some old jeans which were a little too big from him and an old t-shirt which was a little bit too small. He had his hair tied back into a neat bun and his eyes were trained on the ground. He was doing a bit of gardening, a hobby which he had gotten into during his 20's. His first ever plant was a group of pansies which kept returning to say hello. They were very colourful and resilient.

It was a warm day, It was the middle of May and so it was the perfect time to spend some time in the garden. It still wasn't too warm as it was England. The children were at school so everything was peaceful. Laylian and Kelso had planned to come down to the house, they often picked the kids up from school and Sylvester usually followed after them. Keylyn was the only one who went to the same school where Sylvester taught so she often opted to wait behind and come home with him.

Tyrell was having so much fun, he had lost track of time. Before he knew it he could hear childish screams of joy. He looked up with a smile to see two boys running up to him. They both looked around the age of eight or nine years old and they both had big grins on their faces.

"Hide me dad!" Kestrel exclaimed as he ran closer, hiding behind Tyrell who laughed in delight at the boy's happiness. Kes had long-ish dark brown hair and bright Hazel eyes. He was tall for his age and he did like to run a lot. He sometimes went with his father and Keylyn. However, the one who was chasing him was not so eager to go on the running trips.

The other boy had blonde hair which was cut short and brown eyes. He was a little bit skinny and he wore a pair of rather big glasses. He wasn't very quick on his feet and he stumbled a lot. "Why is Len chasing you?" Tyrell asked with a chuckle as the boy stopped in front of him. Teasing Kes by pretending to go in different directions.

"Not a single clue!" Kes said defensively. The smirk on his face and the stifling of a laugh told Tyrell that this was clearly not the case. The boys were now circling Tyrell, who was looking towards the gate where Laylian and Kelso stood silently. The two women had smiles on their faces as they leant on the wall. Tyrell spread his arms out slightly with a confused expression, the girls just shook their heads and laughed.

"He stole my book!" Lenkker pouted and pointed towards Kes. Tyrell understood why the girls were shaking their heads and laughing, he did too once he heard what had happened. He swore that sometimes he saw Acheron and Landso in Kes and Len. They were so alike it was scary.

"It's not my fault you were reading at breaktime. I eman, who does that?" Kes asked dramatically. IfSylvester heard that he would've pretended to be highly offended. Since Sylvester learnt how to read and write he had been doing it for several hours a day. He would carry a book with him everywhere if he were able.

"Don't let your father hear you say that." Tyrell groaned and took his gardening gloves off, placing them on the step as he walked out of the circle Kes and Len made. "He would make you read five books in a day if he heard that blasphemy." He had reached the wall and decided to sit on it, he faced the two women with smiles and they all kept an eye on the children running in the grass. "How is everyone?"

"Well." Kelso huffed a sigh and crossed her arms, an annoyed expression on her face. Tyrell had already started to have a grin on his face just by his sister's tone of voice. "Len forgot his work again today so we had to drive down to give him it, that meant that we were late meeting up with Devin. Which then led to us getting caught in traffic. Which then led to us forgetting the keys to the other house."

The other house was referring to the house that they were all tidying up in order to rent out. It was part of the business which the three of them owned. Sylvester was becoming more confident in helping out, yet he could only do that when his own work was done. "I think you mixed a few of them up, dear." Laylian chuckled warmly.

"So how is Devin and the others?" Tyrell asked, now facing his garden. He watched the children carefully. The last time that they were in the garden Len had accidentally fallen into the flower beds. That was not an easy thing to clean up. "Did Eden finish that commission?" The last time they had talked, Eden was worrying about a rather large painting that she had been commissioned to do. It was something which caused her quite a bit of stress at the time.

"Oh my gosh it is stunning!" Kelso brightened up and grinned, immediately getting her phone out. She had asked Devin to send her the picture which she showed them during their meeting. It was a gorgeous mural which was painted inside of a shopping centre. "It must have taken her forever." She handed the phone to Tyrell who widened his eyes and zoomed in.

"That's ama-Boys! Watch where you're running!" He started to say before noticing the children moving rather close to the flowers. The boys almost sprung back away from where they were heading, muttering a faint apology as they went. The girls gave the boys some stern looks. It was enough to get them to remember how to behave. Laylian's stern look was something which would terrify anyone. "I'm glad she got it finished though. I'm excited to see it."

Kelso snapped her fingers and pointed to Tyrell. "Actually. We were meant to ask you about that. Its unveiling rather soon and we've been invited." The conversation went on like this for a little while. They talked about their ordinary and mundane life. They were joined not long after by Keylyn and Sylvester who stayed by the wall. Keylyn had arrived at a somewhat rebellious stage where she didn't like to play with children, at least in front of the adults.

It was a rather picturesque scene. It was a peaceful afternoon dn none of them had a care in the world. Their life was rather mundane but they were happy. It was nothing like the fae had expected their lives to be, it was a million times better. They were happy and they were together. They had family to love and friends to cherish. They were successful and even if they had lost, even if they had devastating moments. It was their life, they wouldn't want it any other way. After all, A single star can eliminate a world of darkness.

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