Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

There was a rather synchronised chorus of 'What?' throughout the room. Or at least a variation of the question. Nero's face was nearly completely shrouded in shadow, They weren't quite sure if they should be happy or enraged about the news, it would mean that they could gain much more power. Whilst They also knew that their father would have planned something else for them, he always seemed to ruin all the fun.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Kelso said nervously, she rubbed her arm slightly. She felt like she couldn't really speak, like she shouldn't have any input in the conversation. She felt like she was just another simple human, despite what had already been said. "That could cause chaos." She shook her head slightly as she tried not to think about what could happen if the fae were suddenly introduced to the humans and vice versa.

"Which is why it's a brilliant idea." Nero nodded along excitedly to what the girl was saying, they had their hands pressed together and the evil grin was once again on their face. Nobody could see that due to the shadows they tried to cling onto. "Do let the chaos commence."

"I suppose." Neireith looked to the fae who were still standing by the doorway. "Come in come on! Nothing will hurt you in here."He gestured for them to come closer, even if they inched closer they were still rather nervous. Neireith heard Nero mumble 'no promises' under their breath but he decided to ignore it. "And since you two are harmless now."

He waved his hand, causing Vandkin and Sellltresse to be shoved over the side of the waterfall. They each gave a very high pitched scream before they were caught and brought back to land. They tried their very best to stay as far away as they could from Neireith. If Nero hadn't tried punching him earlier, Vandkin would've strode right up and punched the man in the face for what he did. The two royals huddled together in the shadows of the room. Watching the conversation as though they were not royals.

"I agree." Dawn said as she stepped closer, her grandchildren were still at her side and clinging to her slightly. "The humans are nto ready to know fo the fae's existence. Yet." She had hope in her voice as she spoke, the last word standing out. There was hope that the humans and the fae would one day get along well.

""How about we do it the opposite way?" Tyrell muttered as he leant into Sylvester's side. "We could introduce the fae to the human world gradually, small groups at a time." Landso and Acheron seemed excited about this idea, There would be more chance of leaving the castle and exploring the human dimension, they would be seen as some kinds of examples, good ones this time.

"Yes, that sounds like a good plan. We could introduce the dark fae too, but there would need to be some sort of supervision programme in place." Vansilla continued, her tone going from her regular childish voice to one of sophistication and leadership. She paid no mind to her parents looks of shock. They couldn't believe that this was the girl they raised, the girl who made no move to aid them in their time of worry.

"If we do it one dark fae at a time, and make it so that they're within a group then we should be able to make it work." Sylvester put in his thoughts. "Some dark fae are more willing to do this than others are, I would be able to help figure out who to let in." Vansilla clicked her fingers and pointed to him excitedly. Sylvester wasn't really proud of how much he knew of the dark fae who lived in the forest, but at least now the knowledge would be put to good use.

"We are ignoring two elephants in the room." Laylian did not want to be the bearer of bad news, but she couldn't get Nero's gaze off her and she spent so many years attempting to please the royals that the two of them couldn't be ignored at that moment. "The one who was the cause for the dimensions in the first place." She gestured with her hand to Nero rather dramatically. "And the fact you just turned the rulers of said dimension into humans."

She didn't understand Neireith's logic, how would the fae rulers be able to make any difference if they were human? She was sure she was behind some sort of thought. The others didn't seem to have the same confusion as she did, or at least they weren't showing it.

"Yes, what exactly is happening with them?" Sylvester asked somewhat enthusiastically yet darkly at the same time. He was acting as though Nero was a pinata, he would enjoy hitting them with a bat and find joy in the candy which came as a result. Neireith shook his head and started to pace.

"I agree with you that I did not do a good job keeping Nero away from sources of power." Nero was making faces behind their father's back, imitating his movements. "I raised a childish, immature, vile,cruel, awful person." Nero had stopped their actions halfway through the list of insults, masking their hurt with a smug look. "I do have several options-"

"This is going to break a rule here" Kelso announced and Tyrell nodded along with her. "If we don't kill the evil guy then they always come back." Kelso was cautious. She knew how far Nero would be willing to go in order to achieve their end;she had seen it when they went to find Laylian. The fae who were standing all around the room were all chained up and weak only moments ago. Not to mention that Nero put her grandmother in the hospital.

Neireith blinked at them for a moment before turning to Nero with a rather hard expression. "What did you do?" He asked as though he should've known Nero would do something drastic, Neireith was not omniscient. Nero seemed to shrink under their father's gaze, something they hadn't done in quite a while.

"Nothing I swear!" Their voice was high-pitched and had some fear in it. They knew their father had something planned for them and it would only get worse if he knew about Nero's other actions. Kelso and Tyrell gave them a death glare, one which rivaled the dark fae's themself. Dawn gave a huff and Demi scoffed. Sylvester growled and Laylian folded her arms slightly. "alright...I may have done one thing."

"You poisoned their grandmother." Sylvester's tone was still dark, his anger fueling him slightly. Neireith's eyes widened as he swung back around. There was anger on the old man's face. By now the fear which Nero felt was enough to allow others to get the courage to come closer. The darkest fae was terrified and it gave them confidence. The confidence told them that nothing would happen to them today, not under Neireith's watch. Sylvester's tone made Tyrell bring him closer, Tyrell kenw how much Sylvester had gotten to know Hazel and how close they were.

"My dear child by the time i'm done with you, you will have wished that I chose death."

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