"He said if I moved he would kill me- that if all five of his fingers touched my throat I'd disintegrate. He-he said he'd see me again soon. That the next time he did, he'd probably have to kill me... Me and whoever got in his way."Deku sat in the far corner of the room, a concerned expression on his face, his scarred hands clasped together in anxiety.
There was a cataclysm of emotion in the whole of the room actually.
Aizawa. Who was listening to Deku attentively for any information on Shigaraki he could obtain. Though he hid it well, there was a certain anxiety in him as well.
Todoroki. Who was upset to once again find himself in a police station. Even if he wasn't at the mall, he heard what happened to you and he came as soon as he could, panic stirring in his veins.
Bakugo. Who heard you collapse to your knees in the middle of that crowd. Saw you grab your ears and start to recoil into yourself. He didn't waste a second- ran and slid to his knees, put his hands atop your ears, held you against him tightly as he could, kept you from scratching, from tearing at yourself.
The pain that resounded in your winces and your whimpers as you struggled to make the infernal ringing stop, it hurt him deep in his chest like he couldn't describe.
Now, he was probably the most fearing out of any of them.
"Thank you, Midoriya." Aizawa said, bowing his head to him in acknowledgment of his struggles.
"He was in pain." Deku interjected, standing to leave.
"Right before he let me go," He explained. "He looked up and I think he saw someone or something and he-" Deku stopped, side-eying the one person in the room who'd yet to say a single word about the incident. "He started to wince and then he let me go and ran away."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Aizawa said again, leading him out, no longer thinking it was beneficial to him or anyone else that he keep speaking about something so traumatic. "You can go home now."
After the door shut and Deku had taken his leave, a silence drew out between the four people still inside.
You were there too.
You just had nothing to say.
You sat in a chair against the wall, elbows on your knees as you stared at the ground. Your eyes were tired, still red and irritated from the blood flow earlier. Bandages were put over your ears. Apparently Bakugo hadn't gotten there on time to stop you from clawing at your ears so badly you almost tore them off.
There were shadows beneath your eyes too, ones the others hadn't really noticed given how vibrant you'd been earlier.
There was none of that vibrance now. None of that relaxed joy you were foolish enough to let yourself fall into before. There was just a blankness. And it hid from everyone whatever was going on in your head as you remained completely silent.
"Bakugo, Todoroki-" Aizawa said, clearing his throat as the two of them stood there, the quiet only making them more anxious. "I'd like to talk to Y/n alone if that's okay."
Considering Bakugo was the most emotionally reactive out of the three of you, asking him to leave your side probably wasn't the best idea.
"You want us to leave her alone after all this!? Did you not hear what happened in there!?" He asked, Aizawa nearing him and Todoroki.
"I did." He said, standing in front of his students. "And she won't be alone. I'm here and you can wait outside."
The teacher looked down at the quieter of the two. The one who was just as worried as Bakugo, but unfortunately was never very good at expressing it past the worried gleam in his eyes.