Hi :3
Almost at 600 posts on Patreon, wow! So excited to keep going!
Parallels is so exciting too, jngvfagvsdfh, so hyped, leave me comments <3
"I said I'm sorry," You whined, your hero costume uncomfortable as hell, following Katsuki. Hero training today. Whoopee.
"Stop apologizing!" The boy yelled over his shoulder, your class thankfully way ahead and already at the grounds. "I'm not mad!"
After taking care of Eri the other night, you and him had a good few days. Then, All Might showed up and you had to meet with the police again. It wasn't a comfortable affair. Ever since then, you'd been a little aloof, not responsive to anyone. Hell, you barely kept up a fake smile anymore.
"You sure about that?" You asked, trying to be conscientious of the fact that Katsuki was indeed wound to the highest degree. Winter was coming soon which meant his quirk didn't work quite as well, so he was already stressed about that. Not to mention, the whole music performance was tomorrow. You didn't want to add to his worries.
The boy sighed at your question, his stomping slowing down to a pace you could actually keep up with.
He thought of the day before when you said you were meeting with All Might. You didn't come home for hours, not till it got dark, didn't even tell him where you were going, let alone responded to any of his texts. When you finally did return, you were alone, tired, looking as empty inside as the day Nighteye passed.
"I was just worried, you imbecile." Katsuki muttered, shifting the gauntlets on his arms. "Take your phone when you go places!"
"Mhm," You nodded in agreement, hanging your head, slouching your shoulders.
Today was supposed to be a beautiful one. Blue skies, everyone pumped up for tomorrow's festival along with the fresh training regimen. Bakugo thought he'd feel invigorated to at least be able to fight again, but-
When he peaked over his shoulder again- saw how dead the look in your eyes was, he tsk-ed, his anxiety boiling over. The boy completely turned around, blocking your path.
"What is it?" The tone in your voice was so genuinely concerned for him, but your face was so blank.
"I don't like this," Katsuki breathed, grasping your hand in his, like he was reaching. Just trying to keep you present in a time all you ever seemed was absent. And yeah, you had training to get to and school things, but he couldn't hold this in any longer.
"What do you mean?"
"How you're acting," He said, squeezing your hand, motioning with the other, "It's pissing me off."
"I didn't say anything-"
"Exactly! You've been like this more and more, it's starting to scare the hell out of me!" He didn't mean to yell. Had to reign himself in. But a conversation like this felt more than necessary now. "It's like I think you're okay cause you're smiling and yourself again and then all the sudden you're not. You're depressed and I understand that shit's tough, but y-you don't talk to me anymore! How am I supposed to know if you're alright!?"
"Katsuki," you whispered, the panic in his heart rate worrying even Atomic as he blinked down sadly at the boy. Taking Katsuki's other hand and coursing your thumbs over his knuckles, you tried to explain the best you could. "I'm just focusing. I haven't trained for real in a long time. Yesterday won't happen again."
He didn't seem soothed by that. Couldn't even keep eye-contact, instead his gaze pinned to the floor as his teeth clenched. His whole body was so tense, his expression so purely frustrated.