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Countdown to Parallels: 5 days left <3

Patreon has to chapter 29 and the Shoto x Reader which has been very fun


Katsuki caught you as you fell. Your consciousness slipped for a few seconds, like a lightbulb gone dim from blown circuits. The transference of Atomic left you weaker, nothing to numb the pain of faint burns and bruises or feed your body the necessary reactions it needed to go on unimpaired.

Running back to the city, being in the line of fire, the fighting, it left you with more than Atomic let you originally feel. Going on without him would be a challenge like no other.

Katsuki knew that as he wrapped a single arm now bare of a gauntlet around your body, the other tucked beneath your knees, and bringing you down safely.

"Katsuki," you breathed, trying to catch sight of something concrete, something to hold onto in the chaos. "I'm okay," you swore, pressing your hands to his chest. His grip only tightened even as he let your feet touch the ground.

"I know."

The night he carried you on his back returned, nostalgia frolicking in the mix of delirium. Your fingers curled into the material of his costume, the damaged ends held together by your touch. His heartbeat heavy and quick against yours, his mask half burnt off his face.

Eventually, the sounds of tortured screams and yelps made you tense against one another. Shigaraki's body convulsed, held up in the sky. Flurrying light spread across his skin, Atomic's energy battling it out with All for One within his mind and physicality.

Your lower lip shook. Tomura winced, grabbing at his own limbs, scratching at himself so hard he worsened his already lethal wounds. You could only imagine the pain.

Eraser was right behind you, his leg bleeding out as Rocklock held him upright, two other heroes tending to the flesh. His power was fading quickly with his ability to remain awake.

You and Katsuki stayed close to him. It was impossible to attack Shigaraki from this point. Even Deku, whose rage ran rampant, knew that coming into contact with him while two quirks fought one another within him was a mistake.

Atomic would win. You knew he would. All for One spent decades searching for that energy, trying to perfect it within Tomura and you both. He created it. Destroying it would be akin to killing one's own child.

All for One's ominous presence spread out, casting a shadow, intimidating its succeeding challenger. Atomic was just as tangible. His determination a light that out shown that very darkness. Zings of silver similar to Deku's activation of One for All took over Tomura.

He would win. You knew he would. Atomic would push All for One out. Like dogs mauling one another, Atomic's jaws grappled All for One's neck, threatening the power into submission.

Tomura's eyes shut, his muscles pulled taut, everything in him screaming to be released, to be let go.

"What did you do?" Katsuki whispered, staring, not allowing comprehension of its feasibility.

"All for One has only two equals." you said, looking back at Aizawa, rushing to tend to him too. "Atomic won't submit. Unless All for One wants to destroy something he put his life's work into, Atomic will win out. Once Shigaraki has his own consciousness back, we can detain him."

"And what if he isn't willing to give up Shigaraki?"


"He's a man whose quirk and entire existence gets high off control. He's been trying to control Atomic since you got it right? Even before that?" Katsuki stood guard in front of Aizawa while you removed your hood, used it to wipe the sweat off your teacher's forehead and cover his bleeding eye. "What if his control over Shigaraki is more important than Atomic?"

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