"You have to understand, Y/n, Atomic is a very unique kind of quirk,""Really? I thought it was kind of mediocre."
Apparently, when you're in a police station, you have to act polite. Your manners must be refined to the hilt and when addressing higher-ups in the food chain of the justice system, respect is key.
That news obviously didn't reach you on the particular day All Might decided to drag you out the dorms and finish up the last meeting you royally fucked up. Given that the meeting was essentially the hero commission and head of the police sector telling you to use Atomic and capture Shigaraki, you took the order as more of a suggestion.
All Might got his ass handed to him afterward. In any case, he for some unthinkable reason, believed that bringing you in again would yield different results. Second times the charm?
Your posture as you leaned so far back into the meeting chair your chin nearly hit your chest proved that theory wrong real fast. Not to mention that you were dodging every question the police officer and hero commission agent threw at you. The unneeded sarcastic comments that followed were additionally not helping your case.
"You keep referring to your quirk as a person, how come?" Miss Officer McBitchy was back from your interrogation. Woohoo. If she were a man, you would've kicked him in the nuts by now.
Gazing at her over the meeting table, those thinned, dead eyes staring back at you, a smirk lit your lips.
"Does your quirk release energy inside your brain that sounds like a voice trying to communicate?" You asked, looking around the room.
All Might sat at your side, facial expression deeply afraid of what you were about to say. Meanwhile a single old woman stood patiently at the door, her suit neatly pressed, neutrality in her actions. Lastly, there was a man wearing the ugliest suspenders you'd ever seen who you'd overheard on the phone earlier making comments about how the workforce was too tolerant of gay people. He deserved and was currently receiving the worst of your attitude.
"No?" You questioned again, outreaching your arms waiting for someone to answer. Then, gazing at the homophobic hero comission agent, you looked him up and down, unimpressed. "Well your thoughts are probably bitchy enough on their own,"
All Might panicked for a moment, put his hands up, shifted in his chair as the rest of the room sighed and moved uncomfortably. God, such wonderful results, you couldn't have been more pleased.
"Oh just kick me out if I'm such an issue," you said, stuffing your hands in your pockets and spinning your chair in a circle like a bored toddler in a waiting room.
"Listen," Mr. Homophobic sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "We understand your reservations-"
"I highly doubt that."
"Nonetheless, this is important!" He interrupted, starting to lose his temper. But you were just such a poor, little traumatized high school student who'd been through so so much. If he started to yell, who knows what could happen to such a fragile soul as you. You couldn't help but smirk when he reigned himself in despite wanting to tear you a new one. "We understand, given that family ties are involved, you are reluctant to lend your power for such a use."
Urgh, he was starting to get repetitive. This was boring. The floor to ceiling windows didn't even have a great view of the city so you couldn't distract yourself by counting the floors in neighboring skyscrapers or staring at planes.
Might as well start psychoanalyzing everyone, you thought to yourself, eyes drifting around the room. Cop woman and All Might were a bust, you already knew their strengths and weaknesses. Suspenders just wouldn't shut up, so he was pretty easy to sound out. However, the woman at the door, the one simply listening to the conversation, her expression unwavering like stone.