Hi :3
Opposites ends this week on patreon
They have the first 21 chapters of parallels which comes out on wattpad in a month Thank you for all the support <3***
"If you meet on the roof, just keep a lookout." You said, staring out the window into the city lost in a downpour of cold winter rain. Even in the grey, Musutafu's colors were always a refreshment from the blandness of the hideout.
In its light, you stood in a very familiar hotel room. One that brought back memories of bento boxes, wet hair, and old movies. As always, it took everything in you to suppress them.
Taking a deep breath however, the sounds of Dabi pulling up his hood served as a reminder it'd only been three days since he kissed you. Even if it wasn't like you were strictly taken anymore, the feel of his mouth and smell of cigarettes still burned. Especially thinking of them in this room.
"You concerned about my safety, Little Miss?" He asked, a smirk curving his face.
Despite his bruskness, Dabi hadn't tried anything else in that time. Instead, he actually sat around when you ate breakfast with Toga. He whispered strategies you could take during board games. He even brought medicine to Tenko's room every now and then. He only ever slipped when almost accidentally touching your arm or looking a little too long.
You could appreciate his lack of resentment. Even the start of his streak as a decent human being. Although considering you weren't privy to the information involving his plans meeting Hawks again today, maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions.
"Best Jeanist's agency is quite literally next door." You reminded.
The man sighed, rolling his eyes.
"I know. Stop worrying." With that, he covered up his hair, walking out the door of the hotel room and giving you a small, yet significant order before shutting the door behind him. "Wait here."
You rolled your eyes. Wasn't that what you always did?
Gazing out with crossed arms, you focused on the cars honking below, the park across the street. The view was so familiar, even in the daytime. It was hard to not associate with shared beds and nightmares soothed by affection.
You checked into the hotel as an alibi were it ever necessary. Not to mention, it kept you away from prying eyes were that necessary too. After the last incident, it seemed the world was too small not to run into past friends.
Dabi wondered why a look of dread came over you when he handed you a keycard, the room number on it reflected in your eyes. He chose not to ask questions when you practically stuck yourself in place at the window. The entire time you two waited there for Hawks' contact, you refused to even look back at him. Now that Dabi was gone, you allowed yourself the slightest peek over your shoulder.The same color sheets wrapped the bed as your internship. There was even a scratch in the wall they hadn't fixed from when you'd rearranged the furniture in fear. You scoffed at yourself in memory of the old habit.
Suddenly, the contents of the room weren't so frightening anymore. Turning on your heel, you let your arms fall from their protective hold on your chest. Walking deeper into the ceast pool of nostalgia, you even allowed your fingers to reach out and caress the bedspread.
The door opened to a girl holding a pillow to her chest, fear dancing in her eyes. A boy surprised as ever let her in. They watched movies together. Talked to one another till more of their lives became clear. They even shared books and fell asleep on those very sheets at each other's sides.
You trembled, removing your touch from the room, afraid of disturbing it. Your hands ran through your hair as you stepped back again.
You thought of Katsuki almost every waking moment without distraction. Pretending you weren't, became an art you mastered. Being here was testing your skill. And proving it to be futile.