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Countdown to parallels: 2 days AND WE HAVE SO MUCH ARTSDJVSK

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"Tomura?" Deku said, eyes half-lidded, the sun baring down on him as reality took back its hold on the world. The past users of his power remained in theirs. They remained in him. "But I- I didn't lose One for All?"

Shigaraki's body was falling just as Deku's was. He was unconscious, not so far Deku couldn't grab him, but the wind was against him, pushing them further and further away. It wasn't until he saw light flickering beneath Shigaraki's skin that Deku fully woke up from the delerium state.

"Atomic?" He breathed, struggling for breath. "Atomic! Come ba-"

I will not die. Atomic said, Deku shivering at the words muffled by the breeze, his hand reaching for the power, reaching to get him back. I will not die. I will save Tenko. The power repeated. It sounded like he was falling into an abyss, his voice along with his power fading. I will save Y/n. I will not die.

Deku's shed tears, returned, floating to the sky as he fell. He grit his teeth and kept on reaching as Tomura's body fell further and further from him. Atomic helped him survive, helped him keep One for All, but he had to remain on a single side of the line he created. He chose to go for the glimpse of a boy he'd done wrong still alive within Tomura Shigaraki.

I will not die. Atomic said again, All for One's quirk swallowing him whole, turning him dormant beneath the veil of darkness. I will not die...

Atomic, no. Deku felt his consciousness dissolve, somebody, grabbing him by the arm as his eyes slipped back into his head.

Todoroki groaned at the air pressure from above, using his fire to deplete it, his ice to break the fall. Wrapping his arms around Midoriya, he landed hard on his back, dust rises around them both. Thankfully, Endeavor was still there, shaking from his injuries, blood trailing down his face. He helped Shoto stand, helped Deku stay awake.

"Bakugo!" Todoroki yelled, his head spinning back and forth."Midoriya!"

He gazed over at you, still holding Katsuki close. Your costume was torn, dust shrouding your face and hair, only cast aside by trails of water on your cheeks.

You nodded. As if to say that Bakugo was okay, barely conscious, in so much pain you couldn't imagine. But at least, he was breathing, coming to.

"Y/n," Deku coughed, laying on the sand, his blood turning it to soil as it pooled from his wounds.

You looked over at him. Katsuki was limp in your arms, his heartbeat strong against yours, forehead leaning against your shoulder as he hissed out his breaths.

Deku shook at the sight of his friend, but even more so at the pleading in your eyes.

"Atomic," Deku repeated, Todoroki and Endeavor's ears perking up. "He's alive." Deku said. You still, completely. "He's still alive."

That last bit of strength Deku had slipped then, his broken limbs and jumbled mind finally succumbing to the exhaustion. He shut his eyes, head falling back to the ground.

"Midoriya," Todoroki said his name with concern, pushing his hair out of his face, trying to keep him awake.

"Let him rest for now," Endeavor took the weight of his son's shoulders, thunderous sounds like that a battering ram getting closer and closer as it barreled through the tree line and into the city turned to rubble. "The league is coming. This won't be an easy fight if we can't detain Shigaraki once he's down."

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