Again. Again. Again.
Bakugo didn't need to say the word anymore.
In fact after a few brawls, a few spars, and a few other hits thrown, you found yourself saying it to him.
Even though you didn't land a single one of those punches.
But there was something exhilarating about that.
Something about that needless determination of his: how it bled into you and suddenly the 'motivation' he needed to extort from your anger was effortless.A lunge there, a block, another unreceived punch, a cacophony of random yet calculated actions...
Eventually, all concept of time was lost to you both.
So was any word at all.
It was just your breathing.
Just your eyes and bodies making direct contact after contact.Eventually, for the first time, you collapsed into the earth at your own will.
Staring up through the leaves and at the now blackened sky.
Chest rising, falling, rising again.
Heart beating so quickly, you heard the blood rushing through your veins.Fog rose from your mouth, it'd gotten so cold.
Bakugo, too breathless, sat down beside you.
And without even taking notice to anything but the stars, you began to laugh.
Bakugo stared, wide-eyed, jaw hanging loose, at your features.
Eyes squint closed, teeth showing, sweat cooling from your shivers.
It was even more beautiful than when you just let yourself breath.
And that sound.
It was a sound he'd never heard from you before.A laugh real and pure and loud and... joyful.
"What are you laughing about?" He asked, furrowing his brows. "I beat you."
"I--" You started, interrupted by your chuckles. "I just can't remember the last time I was actually out of breath."
You were lying flat on your back, arms spread, hair messy, dirt all over you, scratches on your chin.
And even when your laughter died down he couldn't stop staring.
Because even in the dark, your eyes shone with a certain gleam of someone he was starting to get to know.
"Well," Bakugo scoffed, wrapping his arms around his knees and tucking his chin onto them, "Don't show off too much."
You scoffed right back.
"Says you."
"I thought you didn't like me quiet." You teased, Bakugo giving you a side eye as you winked at him.
Fifteen hours.
Just like Endeavor made you train.
And somehow, you had the most giddy smile he'd ever seen.Upturning your chin, that giddy smile was replaced by a smug, demanding one he knew all too well.
"Lie down next to me." You ordered.
The expectation he would just obey in your voice ticked him off.
He grumbled at the request."No."
You grumbled in mocking right back.