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You were four years old when your quirk manifested for the first time.

Summer sweltered through the air in waves, shrouding the suburbs. In the comfort of your home, you sat on the couch, legs dangling off the edge, mismatched socks on your feet.

It was a normal day. Or it would've been had the air around you not spontaneously started to glow.

"Y/n!" Your mother yelled from the kitchen, knocking over pots and pans. She rushed to your side in a panic. "Why are you glowing!?"


You blinked at her, eyes flicking to the mass of colors shinning overhead. Pale blue and green hues flashed in and out like fireflies. In wonder, you reached for them. Where else, but in dreams and movies does the sky come to you in such a fashion?

"Honey, don't touch it! Are you okay?" Your mother asked, voice pleading. Her hands shook, hesitant to lay even a finger on your skin. It was as if she feared bursting into flames.

"Yeah," you said, shrugging your shoulders once.

What was all the fuss about anyhow? And why were those pretty colors forbidden to touch? You got your answer soon enough.

Later that day, your parents took you to the doctor. A few tests and x-rays later and the physician finally came to a conclusion.

"So this is her quirk? I didn't know it would develop so early." Your father said to the doctor, grabbing whatever instrument you'd curiously picked from the doctor's desk and were playing with.

"We believe so, yes." The doctor said. "The glowing was simply a mass of random chemical reactions. Her quirk was probably trying to deal with the heat. You see, usually, the nervous system tells the skin cells to secrete sweat in order to keep cool." As the doctor spoke, he pulled up another scanning image. "But your daughter's nervous system is different. It has amplified connections. You could say she has a third one."

"A third nervous system?" Your mother questioned.

"If you can even call it that, yes." The doctor nodded. "Based on her response to certain stimuli, it seems the quirk can sense components in the atmosphere at the atomic level. She might even be able to automatically control those components close to her physical body."

You weren't exactly sure what all of this noise meant. Dad wouldn't return those plyer-looking things which made you pout, mom's hold on you iron in her lap. Gaging you weren't paying much attention, the doctor knelt down so as to be in your line of sight.

"Y/n- your body just wanted to protect you from the summer heat." He said. "Since it didn't know what to do, it just began moving all the parts in the air around. That's what made it glow, you understand?"

Still a bit confused, you blinked at the doctor without a word and looked down at your hands. It felt like there was a tiny voice inside your head talking sometimes. Could that be what this was too?

"For now," The doctor went on, packing the x-rays away, "We don't quite understand how it works. And it could potentially be dangerous without control."

Your mother put a hand to her mouth.

"Don't worry ma'am. We aren't sure of the ramifications this could have on her body or others, so for now, it would be safer to keep her separated from other children."

"Separated? So she can't go to school? What about making friends? She's still so young isn't that important for her?"

What the heck were friends? You just wanted to go home and play with the colors again.

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