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The darkness outside was overbearing. It seemed no matter where you turned, lurking through the shadows, the stars and moon refused to guide you.

This place was so isolated. It took nearly a week to find. A week separated from Tenko wherein your only limited communication was through Atomic. A power whose voice felt just as foreign.

The building itself was shaped like a dome- without any personnel- poor security against someone who can interrupt electrical circuits passing through security cameras. You might as well have walked in the front door. But you weren't one for passing up the element of surprise.

Wearing your hoodie that blended with the night, you scaled the building. Only your eyes served as diversion, the blank coloring reflective of any light you might set your sights on. That and the tracker still linked to Katsuki in your pocket.

"I changed my mind. I'm coming with you." he'd said, frowning as you both got dressed earlier that week in the hotel.

"It's too suspicious. You being gone this long without a good explanation? And you're a shit liar on top of that."

"I'm not shit at anything! What the hell are you on!?"

You grabbed his face, kissed him hard to shut him up, and hide the fact that you were only trying to keep him out of trouble. He couldn't lie anyways- only ever omitted- and even that he was bad at.

"I'll be safe."

"You better be. You bitch, at least give me something to reach you-"

Without thinking you shoved the burner you'd been using to communicate with dabi into his hands, took an identical one you were going to switch out, and pushed in the numbers. Katsuki looked down at both before his eyes met yours again.

"Don't these last like two weeks max?"

"It'll have to be enough."

"Screw that! I'm coming with you!"

"Urgh!" you kissed him again, repeatedly. "You stubborn ass, just trust me."

Something in his voice faltered before he could speak again, his hands gripping your waist as he could only breathe out stuttered syllables.

"Fine." He sighed, rolling his eyes, palm sliding to the back of your neck and pushing your lips onto his again.

After some time, you finally drew away from one another. Parted with a squeeze of each other's hands. When you trod towards the door, soul heavy with the notion of distance, he called out to you. "Headset."

You turned, holding the doorknob, gaze searching for whatever strength he could offer dancing in his.

"Keep doing what you think is right."

You opened your eyes, still hidden in the darkness, finally catching light of what it is you'd been searching for. Thinning your stare, you focused on your quirk ruminating in your veins. Remembering what you said to Katsuki all of seven days ago.

"I will."

And Leaving him in that room was so much easier then. Because, unlike the first time you left, you knew for certain you'd see him again.

The glass shattered at your will, decay of silicon and oxygen bonds rendering it weak enough to break with the slightest wind pressure. Landing on the concrete floor, you rolled to break the fall, both knives unsheathed in your fists.

Looking around for a split second, ominously light water containers, machines glitching with glowing colors, smells of various and extremely potent chemicals caught your attention. Although none as much as the doctor stacked short with dark goggles and a mustache. He stood at the center of the lab and for what he lacked in ability to locate, he made up for in being extremely recognizable.

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