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A/N: this is the dress I pictured as Anna's dress and I spent an entire night drawing it and adding the sparkles so please don't steal it :)

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A/N: this is the dress I pictured as Anna's dress and I spent an entire night drawing it and adding the sparkles so please don't steal it :)


Humming along to the radio, Anna glanced out the window as the vibrant green land of Forks faded into the shops and houses of Port Angeles. During all her lessons, she had listened to Angela and Jessica animatedly chatter on about their evening of dress shopping. Whilst she also needed a dress for the upcoming dance, Anna couldn't bring herself to feel the same excitement as her best friends. She despised shopping. People barged into her or got in her way, anything nice could never be found in her size and she often wound up spending far more money than she had initially planned to. However, Jessica had attempted to lift her spirits with the promise of getting dinner from the little Italian restaurant that Anna loved so much.

Drumming her fingers along to the beat, Anna laughed as Angela told them about Mike falling off his chair during her Trig lesson when Tyler had nudged him too hard. A buzzing sound dragged her attention down to her phone and she flipped it open to read the message she had received from the man himself.

'Can't wait to see the dress. Send a pic of the colour so I can match my tie ~ Tyler.'

Smiling at her friend's ability to correctly coordinate (a talent she was proud to admit she had taught him over the years), Anna promised she would before devoting her attention to the people in the car once more. Who knew how many carefree evenings they would have left together? Wasting entire nights buying dresses and eating Italian was a luxury they might not be able to afford when they were forced to spend their nights with their heads buried in books (Senior Year) or in separate states learning the skills required to become effective members of the workforce (college). But, for now, they were just four teenagers enjoying the freedom of a night without homework.

As they clambered out of Jessica's car, Anna slung her arm around Bella and poked her in the side, coaxing a smile from her sullen sister. Much to Anna's amusement, she wasn't the most miserable person on this trip. Similarly to her twin, Bella detested the idea of looking at dresses but she had promised to support her sister and twins. In contrast to her twin, she hadn't been cheered up with the promise of pizza and pasta. Dragging her unwilling sister into the first dress shop they happened across, Anna plunked her down on the window seat before dashing between the aisles.

Watching the little head of brown curls darting back and forth, Bella chuckled at the ferocity with which Anna shopped. The sooner she moved, the faster she would be done and the quicker she could get her garlic bread. Outside the window, the sun was already beginning to set and Anna glanced over at Jessica. Resisting the urge to groan as her friend gingerly pulled out an orange dress, Anna knew it would be hours yet until she could ear – Jessica happened to be rather indecisive.

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